I don't think Chip's most recent podacast was actually in Montreal

41  2017-07-31 by Single_Action_Army

If you listen closely during Ron's moose story, Chip slips up and says "in New York?" when talking about the moose outside.
Also Lauren has nice bazongas


What are you talking about? Didn't you see the Canadian flags in the background

Quebec Canadian flags

Pick one.

Lol you guys are so zany!

Fucking fags. Embarrassing.

Oh I'm sorry should we be naming cereals like real men?

i like how lauren has been wearing skimpier clothing, and then pretending like she isn't trying to show off dem titties

women are funny

on itunes

Yoyra handsome man mistuh gahurison


Can't smoke indoors in the US. Pretty sure QC.

Can't smoke indoors in Qc either. You can barely smoke/vape outside in Quebec, you have to stand 9meters away from doors - nobody respects that law though.

Cut this part out

He said he was in Canada a lot of times though??

I want to rim Lauren until my mouth tastes like her last meal.

I want to rim you until my mouth tastes like Lauren.

I blame Lauren. She never edits the parts that chip asks for. He clearly asked her to edit that part out of the podacast

It looked a lot like the riotcast studios to me

They took the whole set up to cananada in their van.


Quebec isn't notorious for flying the canadian flag, though. We spam this one

Is bazongas something referring to her 1950s lead actor's chin?

Nothing gets past this guy, folks.

I haven't watched it yet, but when they had Ant on the J&S show, they said they had the next two podcasts recorded and ready to go.

It's a pretty good tongue in cheek gag if they're pretending to be in Canada after he already announced it had been recorded two weeks ago.

It's even funnier if they're claiming to be in Canada if it's clearly in the YKWD studio.

Also, the sky is blue and ice cream makes you fat. #obviousguy

Pretty creepy when Ant was egged on to take a peek at Lauren's bazongas and he did it.

Just watched the podacast, I feel like a retard for making these comments.

Niggers tongue my anus

Why would they lie to their listeners, sir?

Fuckin moon landing studio.

Leave it alone.