Why is Piggy Schumer still in America?

33  2017-07-30 by Stankysnatch82

Wasn't she along with fellow kike Lena Dunham and other liberals threatening to leave America months ago? These count's don't get called out enough on keeping there word.


And why is immigration so important to these people if they think Trump's America is a hellhole not worth living in?

Yeah, you pretty much take your dog out of the fight when you pull the "it's too broken to fix. I am leavening." card.

Are you a loaf of bread or sumptin?


You got me.

One time... my girlfriend had a yeast infection so I stuck a bunch of flour in her cooter. It was a large baguette that's how I know she was a whore

Just like your mother and Lamar?

Same reason they despise police but think that only police should have access to firearms.

They are the oppressor, maaaaaaan.

Wants them to be the only entity with lethal weapons.

So brave. So smart. So logical.

Counts? Hahahahahahaha

Muahahahaha! I vant to suck ya peckahs!

1 stolen joke hah hah haaaa, 2 stolen joke hah hah haaa

1 Parallel thought Mwuahaha! 2 parallel thoughts Mwuahaha!

did someone just get schumered?

Is she a low-tier aristocrat or sumtin'?


typo faggot, typo.

Oh sure you spelled that shit right, hahaha. Laugh at yourself fucker it's a celebration.

Quiet down faggot, it's a mistake, just like your birth.


Have you seen the portion sizes in Europe? They're tiny!

Also the new "Europeans" aren't so big on pork.

Ar you saying those camel jumpers don't dig on swine?

Cause they're all lying cunts. That's about it.


im pretty sure she tried to play the whole thing off as a joke

She made 37.5 Million here last year.

That's why the sow isn't going anywhere.

C'mon guys.

We all say things in anger. Heck, I remember telling my parents I couldn't wait to leave home when I was annoyed with them and here I am, still in the basement in my 30s and living life like king :)

Sofa King

She has to wait a little bit longer, America is surprisingly far ahead in the whole "being a fat ugly woman or minority means we throw millions at you"-game. Even generally liberal places like Europe at the moment often still require you to have some redeemable value aside from being "oppressed".

Right now she wouldn't have a career anymore if moving to another place, in a few years every western country will have followed in America's footsteps and she can be famous and rich elsewhere for being a woman and nothing else. Then in a few more years, she'll be stoned to death by the people she was fighting for to get access to her new country.

Because she is a liar and a thief.

I never knew she was jewish.

She's to fat

Whoopi swore if Bush got elected in 2000 she'd leave the country, but then decided she couldn't "run from the problem". Alec Baldwin too. I don't remember his excuse for leaving, except that he makes dump trucks full of money, and Bollywood probably doesn't pay as well.

There's like 9 Republicans in the entertainment world, and a handful of libertarians. One of them probably squacked about leaving if Hillary got elected, but I don't remember it.

She would make a great urinal.

She'll leave when pigs fly.

She wouldn't fit in Europe

There's a lot of red tape when it comes to transporting livestock internationally, it takes time.

$$$$!!!! $$! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

No other country would accept "her".

In India she would be treated like a good and be the best smelling person there.

She couldn't fit through the metal detector at the border

We get it; you're looking for the Donald.

Hercules planes can't fly that far.

She also said she'd take a polygraph test to prove she didn't steal the bits she stole from other comedians.

Still waiting...

Why didn't you guys ask these questions on her show with Jim Norton, which was advertised months in advance. ANY OF YOU COULD HAVE CALLED~!

Quiet down faggot, it's a mistake, just like your birth.