The amount of Cuban American dick this man is getting must be incredible

48  2017-07-30 by redtheftauto


I sincerely hope Fez is up to his nuts in a lithe Cuban gentleman as we speak.

Rude and rude!


He's a good egg that fez

That's fuckin funny.

Warm sun, fruity drinks, bronze man ass, Opie fired, what could be better for the Cat?

This was supposed to be deleted from the internet

A young intern by the name of Chris Stanley filmed this.

I hope the Big Cat has finally taken the stick.

And guided it in to his virginal rectum.

Hopefully Fez has found himself a Luis J Gomez somewhere.


At first I thought you were talking about Opie.

I said a lot of mean things about Fez at the time, during his locked up years. But he is a hero and the new Bennington show has made me appreciate the fact that some people out there know when they should be quiet.

May the Big Cat prowl forever.

But don't you DARE ever point out when he's eating vegetable-based dishes.