Is it possible to go any lower than rock bottom?

36  2017-07-29 by SugarInMyMeatPi


His rates are cheaper than a jew who steals memes for a living

If I had 25k to blow I'd legally change my name to I hate niggers and pay for that tramp stamp.

start a gofundme or some other begging site page. Ill give you a dollar.

What the fuck did I just see? Also, Jews aren't allowed to have tattoos. But Jews also love money and $25,000 to get a tramp-stamp is a sound financial investment.

I don't know what's real anymore.

Even if the people making requests aren't fucking with him, I don't believe he's going to sell more than a dozen of each voice profile for the rest of their existence.

I mean, maybe it's low effort, but his alleged fans aren't each going to buy three dozen of these and decide which version they want to use every morning on the way to work.

It's embarrassing, but I guess Nick DiPaolo agreeing to do one with him helped encourage this delusional queer

I know. I was like ""

Nick's Paulie Walnuts isn't good, but it's better than Joe's Tony Soprano. Joe should just do the whole thing as Florentine, that would be hilarious. And it's the only good impression he does.

Joe's Tony is a bad version of Ant's which is a bad version of Max Koch's.

It's less than Fiverr prices, which no one is making a living off of, besides Indian teens. That marketplace is way bigger than anything Joe could do too.

Joe "Twofer" Matarese

will he suck a dick? We could raise money here for that?

I'm in.

i feel like the tiny opie mouth of his would have a really good grip on my tiny dick

I'd deliberately not wash mine for a week

A lil' cock cheese never hurt nobody.

I'll put in 6 bucks of we can get him to do one that says, Joe Matarese is worse than Shared and should be working at starbucks but for his doctor wife.

Why do guys on this sub constantly underestimate what rock bottom is? I have no idea what rock bottom is. I come here for daily updates so i know what to look out for

I come here for daily updates

BINGO! There's your rock bottom right there!

(See you tomorrow)

next he'll be under the queensboro bridge jerking off punks for $15 a a man

He'd get more sales that way.

That is the first step to becoming a sidekick for a much funnier man.

He actually jerked me off down there for a cool $3

He takes coupons now?

There's a lifetime discount if you flash your autographed pill holder

I'll give him $50 to eat 2 slugs from a shotgun

Takes a real champ to shoot themselves in the head twice


he's lost his mind. his wife must be giving him the pills that put holes in your brain.

He's still a level above Brother Joe.

"Angry me off meds?" Joe, just give up.

Someone pay the $25 and request that he does it in his own voice but before each command he says " I'm an unfunny cuck".

His wife's a doctor ya know.

Ya kiddin'!

Ya kiddin'!