The talks with other networks aren't going so well....I'm grinning ear to ear right now.

63  2017-07-29 by Every1ShouldBKilled


I wonder what he tells them when they ask why he's no longer with Sirius

I wonder if they google him, come here and find out the truth

He's having another pop up show soon to announce more news...I propose whatever network he joins next, we give him the ol' Joe Cumia special: Go out of our way to get the gigs cancelled. Although he won't announce anything before he signs the contracts, we should still inundate the unlucky network that signs him with SJW "how could you hire this person" tactics. Would affect their decision to opt out of the contract (if there are clauses in it stating that he can), or at the very lease refuse to re-sign him down the road

"Hey brotherman, I was just fired for filming a fat paederast taking a shit, I'll need 2 mil a year and I don't work Fridays"


^ this

It really made me laugh out loud.

And then what?

He started throwing up and dropped the camera

We can't give you 2 mill, but, we can give you 5 pounds of honey lemon chicken a week.

We'd also be willing to pay you for some of that milk you're hoarding. Judging by the size, we're willing to pay by the gallon.

This tweet probably sounds pretty open and modest to the brain-damaged chumps that seem to gather at his Twitter to suckle down his rancid breast milk.

Realistically, this is his way to spin his inability to meet with any notable entity and his unrivaled lack of appeal into bait for his fans to tell him how much they miss him.

It's not much, but it should feed his ego enough to counter the maddening AM radio offers for a few more days until he repeats the process or finally stops "fighting for his life" and kills himself

next pop up show prediction is the 2 bros pizza stand outside the port authority

Nah, it'll be Vic, Sherrod and Carl passing a mobile phone along a line of stalls, as they each film themselves taking a shit in solidarity with Opie.

remember around the end of every contract how Opie would boast about his other options, I think he may have been lying.

But he said "Believe me!" after every one!

I'm really happy that this loud busty fruit is finally learning what his worth really is.

im not loying. period, awroight.

At what stage does he start to panic?

around 8 months ago

Hopefully at stage 4.

Wait... Wait... More like Stage Zero................... Fawk Yah, Cocksucker.

That would mean the cancer is still treatable, chip.

Hopefully as the still is kicked out from under him.

Opie really does not see that if he got together with Anthony he might not have Clear Channel, CBS etc. turn him down but that any attempt for him to sell what any professional broadcast distributor in the radio industry would see as an unpolished, just plain bad radio team of him and the 3 people he was working with is never going to fucking happen. Is he truly delusional? Does he not see that what he was broadcasting with those twats was everything they made fun of their entire career. Why would he allow himself to become the bad radio they would always mock and jocktober? Amazing...


It's sad, if he didn't completely deserve it.

It's not like he ever really understood jocktober. Ant and Jim would make fun of the awful little nuances and quirks that made the shows so awful.

Opie would just go "FAWKIN war of the roses, let me tell you, I've been doing radio since I was fawkin 18 years old!"

It was only ever an excuse for him to talk about himself.

Like how every Hoarders segment they did ended up coming back to Opie's mom. Who was not even a hoarder.

Opie's a hoarder.

Go on, ask me what he hoards.

What does he hoard?

His saggy bosoms.


'On us'... does anyone speculate that this is still including Sherrod? Is it really just the Cuban and Tits now?

Both those clowns have other jobs/income. Using "Us" like they all are depending on this working out. Can you imagine how trash his demo reel is?

I hope it's Compound Media that passed on him, too.

"passed on us" Opie talking like he's part of a Nascar team. It's just you, stupid.

Us? Is he seriously pitching shows with vic, sharrond and a diner chef?


I think it's just down to the chef by this point.

ME: Ok, you know morning zoo radio, right? Well think about this. Me, Vic Henly...he's a comedian. Sharen Small...he's a comedian too, trust me. And Carl Ortiz, he's owns a deli in NJ. We talk about grapefruit beer, maybe the Kardashians, maybe a lil 90 day fiance. So, what do you think? Huh, pass as in pass to the next level or pass on my idea?

All they have to do is watch any of his clips on youtube and they'll realize what a pile of shit his show is.

If they dig any deeper, they'll have hours and hours of him bitching about his bosses, SiriusXM (his employer), his co-workers, and basically anyone he comes into contact with. Why would anyone hire someone so toxic?



What talks? He's lying.

Meaning ant stop returning his messages

Don't media personalities have to submit show reels to employers, to show what they can do?

What the fuck is Opie gonna put on his, and where (now that he's fired, and has alienated all of his former colleagues who actually have access to SiriusXM recordings) is he gonna get the content? You think he's got the smarts to download/record off YouTube, and then learn an editor and compose it?

Scratch that, he's still got the "Roland Shitting" video. He'll be fine.

How the fuck, after seeing Bubba the Love Sponge's unauthorised filming take a $115 million bite out of Gawker, do you make the same fucking mistake a year later? You think the Hulkster wasn't in Bubba's "Inner Circle"? He was literally fucking the man's wife at the time!

The boys... Wasn't that what he called him, Ant, and Jimmy?

That's because he never had any offers. He's eventually gonna say that nothing meets his demands and either works for Brother Wease which will lead to his divorce when he tells Lynsi she has to move to Rochester, or he'll say he's decided to retire which will lead to his divorce after she spends every waking minute with him.

Lynsi HAS to be as big of a douche as Opie. She cut off Bonnie and Jess Roberts because her husband is butt-hurt at Sam and Vos. Either she's as bad as he is, or she only knows what her husband tells her. And even if thats true; then maybe she's too dumb to see past his bullshit

Can you please point me in the direction of where I can learn about the revelation about the 2 wives? Thanks.

"w/The Boys." YUCK.

They're all natural friends. Been close for years. Not cringey at all.

Opie, I'm dyin over here, waitin for newhome for show W/The Boys. Since Sirius is off now, learning pcasting shout out to RaceWar

Seriously -- what explains tweets like these? These people must be being paid, right? That almost seems too paranoid to seriously suggest but I can't think of any other explanation.

Low IQ truckers from Ohio

Two weeks ago: "Lots of meetings. Projects everywhere. Monies will be flowing.

Today: Gunshot

periscoping from a restaurant is not a 'pop up' show. it's periscoping from a restaurant.

Some dumb midwestern broad whose Twitter pics are her cat and her kid's birthday cake.
Yeah, I can believe this is an Opie listener.

Hi. I'm a washed up hack who lucked into a long running radio show with my ex partner who was fired and I stabbed in the back. I was also recently fired for filming a male co worker moving his bowels in the company restroom. Me and my friends fat nigger, meat truck man, and fake chef would like to join your network. Let me know asap.

now tack on the 7-figure salary demand

He's got three options:

3) do some shitshow in Buffalo NY for $60K a year. Basically find a station that thinks he's a "celebrity"

2) Figure out a way to get Ant to quit Compound Media and market a "reunion show" (unlikely)

1) Do a podcast

I think we know how this will turn out

$60k you live pretty damn good in Buffalo. Maybe even get a penthouse in one of the waterfront apartments Russell Salvatore owns. Opester, if you're reading...take the deal.

Seriously? I was looking at houses today. $1,200,000 for a house with a view of the house next door to me. The house that's six feet away. And there's a bidding war to buy them.


You should def buy it.

Say house again.

Opies misfortune is making me cum,it's like I'm always cumming ahhh ahhhh

I hope Sherrod, Vic, and Carl get a radio show without Opie.

Is he paying $750 per positive tweet to his "fans"?

Replying to @OpieRadio Radio is what U do, and U do it well! Just know you have an army of fans that will follow you to the next gig. Enjoy fam/fishing in meantime

That's hilarious.

Scratch that, he's still got the "Roland Shitting" video. He'll be fine.

I hope the gas is zyklon b

"Send us a demo!" He's been on the fucking radio for 20 years. Jeeze, GaS really has their shit together...

I really doubt SeeSo, who is desperate to stay afloat, would burn ANY bridge right now.