Reminder. Its been a month since Paul called Opie out to his face on his last Sirius show.

64  2017-07-29 by Dennyislife

A true American hero.


This is such a humiliating way to leave a long radio career. he'd be in better shape if he lost his legs instead

It's hilarious how true that statement is.

paralysed Opie does sound like a funny concept, maybe a wave will strike him down in the sea

On mobile so can't timestamp. Last few seconds ol' big mouth claims show isn't going anywhere. How wrong and yet right he was

I tried. I tried to find it, I listened to maybe 10 minutes and I just couldn't suffer through that anymore. I've never listened to that show before but holy fuck is it atrocious.

Ah thanks

And that's really how you executive produce

And firing Opie is how you executive reduce.

Was that really the last show? I thought there might have been another week after that. Not sure though

IIRC, the next week was the 4th of July so it was "best of", then by Thursday J&S Encore was on in the afternoon

Any transcript of what this Paul fellow said? I can't bring myself to listen to an opie and paid friends clip.

And no Kenny to protect him so he didn't act tough.