John Macenroe won't apologise for saying men are better than tennis infuriating the hosts

109  2017-07-29 by Lilcumia


Love Johnny Mac. He's 100% right, and he's always been a huge advocate for Serena. Glad he's not rolling over on this.

He's one year older than 57 years young.

What makes this more sad though is: the news station knew he felt this way, they knew asking him would get this answer (may have asked him before in pre-interview), and they set up beforehand how the cast would act.

This was most likely 100% orchestrated for political points and or just to get people to talk about it.

I don't feel like disbelieving in magic today so I'm going to go ahead and keep believing my nigger McEnroe is walking around shitting on everyone.

yep, tennis fans especially on /r/tennis are pathetic. wimbledon pays the women the same prize money despite them doing maxium 3 sets, the men can go up to 5 and often do. so they factually get the same money for more work

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fuck off

cunt who probably doesnt even watch tennis or any other sport : "we are off offering you a chance, would you apologize for your statement?"

Macenroe : NO!

If someone ever said to me "We are offering you the chance to apologize," I would have to restrain myself from trying to bit their fucking top lip off.

last time I heard such sentence is when I was in elementary school or something like that.

I read somewhere that the only kind of physical sport where women have an advantage over men is marathon running

The fastest woman marathon runner is still almost 15 minutes slower than the fastest man.

The gap narrows with endurance events, but men still edge out over women. Women do occasionally win ultra marathons over men, but these events are packed full of amateurs and semi pros.

The bigger question is why do men and women compete separately in chess, and why has there never been a female chess master. Even taking physicality out of it, there are clear and known distinctions between the sexes.

Innate sexual differences? LOL do you even fucking love science, bro?

We're all a blank slate bro. Do you even tabula rasa?

Why do yo mean a female chess master? There's a lot of female grandmasters. Judit polgar is one of the top chess players in the world, and she does compete with men.

I stand corrected.

Do you wear leg braces?

goddamn that's bad

You're looking in a mirror?

I'm rubber you're glue

youre a disgrace for kmowing that

Sir, Judit Polgar stopped competing 2 years ago and it's 12 years since her peak rating of 8th in the world. Which is very good, obviously, but even then there were 7 men better than her.

Currently the best ranked woman is 80th best player in the world.

So, yeah, men and women do compete together and it proves without a doubt that men are much better as a whole.

That's silly man, if anything, Judit proves that women can get as good at chess as men. There's probably like 200 men for every woman in chess, cause women have less autism/don't give a shit. The Polgar girls were groomed since they were 2 years old for chess, and all three of them broke into the top 50 or something. Probably empty shells as human beings, but they're women anyway so not much was lost.

Yeah women would totally dominate if they weren't so busy.

They do play together, it's just that there are far more men.

And that's because men's IQ spreads out far more than women's. They bunch up around 100, and we're all over the place. We have more dumbies, and more smarties. We have more everything really, good and bad.

They need extra time on the clock to reapply their make-up and to make sure that the potatoes don't boil over.

Like the Irish could even play chess.

My father once beat Joan Benoit in the Falmouth Road Race. (And a couple of marathons) He was a serious amateur runner and also smoked cigarettes. She's probably the greatest American female distance runner. So I'd challenge that assessment.

I wish your dad got beat by Chris Benoit.

See cause...

I heard it was rock climbing, and other strength vs bodyweight events like the bent arm hang.

I heard it was baking.

meh, even world-class chefs and pastry chefs are mostly men.

Because they are always running away from their problems, like cowards.

"Would you like to apologise?"

Haha no he wouldn't, slit.

God, women are fucking insufferable.

Why can't they just get it into their thick skulls that it's ok to be inferior to men in every way? Probably too concerned with baking and sewing to be able to process such a clearly observable, irrefutable fact.

well sir that´s a little out of line

just let them celebrate it...

Men and women aren't physically equal, but neither is a 5'5" guy and a 6'5" guy. It's why we have gender division in sports, the same way we have divisions based on size. It doesn't mean one division is better or more interesting.

Yes it does. The men's game is much better and more interesting.

Nah I much prefer watching the pretty ladies in short shorts for 3 sets max.


No thanks, I don't smoke, m8.


I'd like to observe silently from the bushes as you stub your toe in sandals, you fucking dweeb.

But the arousing little yelps!

Divisions based on size only exist in combat sports. And women are free to compete in combat sports vs men who are the same size as they are. In basketball Mogsby Bogues was 5'3 playing with guys over 7 feet. Isiah Thomas right now is 5'10 and is one of the best players in the league. Lionel Messi is 5'5 and is arguably the best soccer player in the world.

Believe it or not the hosts could have been more skewed in their views. At least they admitted that men are stronger than women.

I've met Professors who say men and women are equal in strength, and its only societal factors that affect strength.

Tss maybe they're amateurfessors or sumpthin

A laugh from the chipper is your reward


Beat me to it.

Yep, this is the liberal equivalent of "I don't believe in global warming". This is there "I don't believe in evolution" moment. When it comes to gender and biology, they trust the social sciences and discount the actual science.

True heroes of society. These great gentlemen push forward the idea that women are our physical and intellectual equals. Surly, in hopes of dismantling the notion that a cunt should not be bopped in her nose if she burns thy dinner or talks back.

men and women are equal in strength

Absolutely true. People born with a penis may be stronger than people born with a vagina, but that's not the same thing.

Jesus. Women play with faster balls, yet they serve 20 km/h slower than the men. The men's game is a faster game. Why even try to compare?

Also, if you want to fix female tennis, make them cut out the retarded groaning. I can't watch because of that.

Strange because that's one of the only reasons I do watch women's tennis.

Same, buddy. And although the Williams sisters are of the brown variety. They had have some nice dumpers on them.

They're atrocious animals.

You gay.

Ew you watch for the sportsmanship? Queer.

Well, I also watch competitive chess, formula 1 and cycling? What does that make me? X4

A sporting gentleman

It actually appears that he won the discussion and they sort of agreed. Very rare.

If truly have a discussion, everyone wins


The brainwashing is legitimately scary. They act so taken aback by the thought that he might not be ready and chomping at the bit to grovelingly retract a perfectly reasonable estimation.

It's like in these dummies' minds saying "women are 700th" at one thing is saying that men are 700 times better than women period. They need to see it that irrationally because they need to feel like victims.

I just can't get over the intentional stupidity of it.

Best of 5. End of discussion.

I guess that cunt Norah O'Donnelly memory holed this event.

Another event dubbed a "Battle of the Sexes" took place during the 1998 Australian Open[51] between Karsten Braasch and the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams had claimed that they could beat any male player ranked outside the world's top 200, so Braasch, then ranked 203rd, challenged them both. Braasch was described by one journalist as "a man whose training regime centered around a pack of cigarettes and more than a couple bottles of ice cold lager".[52][53] The matches took place on court number 12 in Melbourne Park,[54] after Braasch had finished a round of golf and two beers. He first took on Serena and after leading 5–0, beat her 6–1. Venus then walked on court and again Braasch was victorious, this time winning 6–2.[55] Braasch said afterwards, "500 and above, no chance". He added that he had played like someone ranked 600th in order to keep the game "fun".[56] Braasch said the big difference was that men can chase down shots much easier, and that men put spin on the ball that the women can't handle. The Williams sisters adjusted their claim to beating men outside the top 350.

Holy shit. How was this not mentioned?

McEnroe doesn't care about the argument enough to do any research.


They asked him his opinion and he gave it....

Some of you love men too much to be straight.

It's not that we love men, it's that despite needing women, we have no respect for them based on their own behavior.

(((Them))). Let's not fall for divisiveness here.

I would never divide from women. The one thing you, I, Isis, (((them))) and all Americans can agree is that we just want women to recognize that they need to respect and understand why there are to be treated as dogs.

A shepherd doesn't have to respect his sheep to be a good shepherd.

Johnny Mac for President

You can tell when they asked him to rank himself, they were completely expecting him to rank himself higher, but they had no response when he didn't.

So you say Serena would be 700th in mens, where would you rank?

Probably about 1200.


I thought 1200 is impressive. If he really is ranked that high, that's unbelievable

Or when McEnroe asked Charlie Rose where he would rank Serena overall and he didn't have a clue. So how the fuck is his qualified to comment?

Of course he had a clue, but he didn't say it. See, the thing is nobody says McEnroe is factually wrong. They are just shocked and outraged that he says something that isn't allowed to be said. It's like he didn't get the message that some truths are not supposed to be said out loud.

Yeah that was the best part, he knew Charlie had an opinion and the only way out of it was for Charlie to say he doesn't know what he's talking about.

He should have pushed him to say a number.

I bet a female writer came up with that one too. There's no way Charlie Rose thought that motherfucker would take the bait and rank himself high. It's like when a chick tries to argue and thinks she has a really good point but it goes nowhere because it was based on her projecting own inferiority, thinking she can call every little move a "toxic male" would make.

Fuck it, let's allow some women to compete in the NFL and give all these women a chance to prove their point.

The son from Breaking Bad could have done a better job than that.

This need not be theoretical. Even in chess, which requires none of the height or bone density advantages, women get dusted by their male peers.

I'm sure NPR has some kind of an explanation.

This isn't even a debate. You see all these excellent female players kill it against their peers and every now and then someone makes the argument "Well, let's see how they do against the men!"

I've heard the UConn women's basketball team that curbstomps everyone, practices against male intermural teams and get beat most of the time. There are stories of Olympic-level women's teams playing against high school boys' teams, the latter of whom usually win.

It's pretty much understood that women's teams play against not even men's but boys' teams knowing they will get their teeth kicked in, but it hones them for their upcoming event.

The womens' national soccer team can't even handle fourteen year old boys. The media patronizes the hell out of women.

I cannot believe that people in this position actually put up with these presumptuous know-nothing cunts threatening and rolling their eyes at you while attempting to force you to agree with some retarded thought they're trying to push on you.

As I have no tact, I would have been cursing and telling them to shut the fuck up while asking why Charlie Rose is asking me questions a middle schooler would think up, and what someone who is only famous for being Oprah's friend knows about tennis.

Why are they so calm? Why do they ignore the little cunt things like the face that white bitch was making? Why do they just let it slide? Why don't they call them out? It can't be fear, because he didn't back down. Why the fuck do they just sit there and let them do that to them every single time?

Because the (((cunts))) own the airwaves and the only way to get you fact based point across is to let them "win" the argument.

It's like golfing with the CEO and he wins all the time but you and your co-workers know the real deal.

The only sport that women excel in is volleyball, and that's only because it gets higher ratings because men just want to watch their big fat asses jiggle around in tight spandex shorts that hug their vagina lips.

men are better than tennis

He isn't wrong

He's one year older than 57 years young.

What makes this more sad though is: the news station knew he felt this way, they knew asking him would get this answer (may have asked him before in pre-interview), and they set up beforehand how the cast would act.

This was most likely 100% orchestrated for political points and or just to get people to talk about it.

yep, tennis fans especially on /r/tennis are pathetic. wimbledon pays the women the same prize money despite them doing maxium 3 sets, the men can go up to 5 and often do. so they factually get the same money for more work

cunt who probably doesnt even watch tennis or any other sport : "we are off offering you a chance, would you apologize for your statement?"

Macenroe : NO!

I thought 1200 is impressive. If he really is ranked that high, that's unbelievable

Or when McEnroe asked Charlie Rose where he would rank Serena overall and he didn't have a clue. So how the fuck is his qualified to comment?

The womens' national soccer team can't even handle fourteen year old boys. The media patronizes the hell out of women.

Same, buddy. And although the Williams sisters are of the brown variety. They had have some nice dumpers on them.

I bet a female writer came up with that one too. There's no way Charlie Rose thought that motherfucker would take the bait and rank himself high. It's like when a chick tries to argue and thinks she has a really good point but it goes nowhere because it was based on her projecting own inferiority, thinking she can call every little move a "toxic male" would make.