Rick and Morty has ended.

29  2017-07-29 by I_want_Forbin


They were already in bad shape from the start. Morty's dad is white and an unemployed loser who gets shit on by this wife and Rick who is Hispanic and the smartest guy in the universe. So the white guy on the show is a jobless bum that no one in the family respects. It's almost like a woman has already been writing the show, or at least some male SJW faggots.

So now instead of limping along despite the pink haired mafia, its going to be paralyzed in the cloying messy slop of PC/SJW-ism

Overrated faggot cartoon

WHAT you don't like RICK AND MORTY?!



"It's like if Dr. Who did a lot of drugs." That line was so good for the Fine Bros. that they had to use it twice. Fucking human life is a mistake. Hope the North Koreans nuke us.

I want to eat from where Brianna shits.

Hee toilet?

What's the point of this video if they've all seen it before.

You think it's overrated Morty why Morty is it overrated Morty tell us Morty why it's overrated Morty what's wrong with Morty?

The Rick and Bobo Show

Ain't all that bad but definitely overrated. They really haven't done anything "new" as far as cartoons go. Just a bunch of absurdist, nihilistic fart jokes. What bothers me is when every faggot neckbeard stoner tries to compare it to the Simpsons during their golden years, which just makes me want to cum acid into their eyeballs

ur 3edgy5me

"I never liked that icky green stuff coming out of Rick's mouth."

"Okay. You want to remove it?"

"Let's just kill off the character so Morty can be his sister's sidekick."

I just watched this show recently because I kept hearing how amazing it was. It sucked dick, but I don't mean a nice straight veiny turgid long girthy dick with symmetrical balls well groomed pubic hair and a proportional head to shaft ratio, I mean my dick, this show was like sucking my awful dick.

I liked it

you're wrong.

I disagree

I liked it

His dick or the show?

cant it be both?

When isn't it



Jesus why do women get away with celebrating themselves in gross ways?

Women act as bad as you let them

Truer words have never been spoken.

It's like a whole gender of rappers

Dan Harmon needs to get run over by a tractor

I don't watch the show so I don't care, but I'd really like this to turn out really badly so that people will see that women are bad at this most of the time.

I love Simpsons and Southpark. I also really enjoyed Dan Harmon's Community. Will I like this?

I'd say yes, give it a try

Is it written to cater to millenials?

I don't have a fucking clue, I am one myself, so maybe?

Just watch the first episode, it's 20 minutes, no need to contemplate like that

Ok, I will. I'm going to personally hold you responsible for anything that happens.

"I will find you and I will kill you."

I still haven't checked it out. I'm afraid I will hate this show.

I haven't seen one episode either. My uninformed opinion is that it seems to be Reddit: The Show.

Ha! It is.

I really enjoy the show - to me its actually clever humor that comes from developed characters and funny situations as opposed to just references to popular things (which seems to be the kind of humor common in modern TV shows)


Gave it a shot?

Hey homeslice. Not yet, but I promise I will.


I just started watching it, and it's abusive and fun.

ok thanks

you mean full of irony, meta, self-referential, no plot, no structure, no continuity, and "lol so random!"?

Then yes.

It's fine. People really overhype it, making some people hate it, but it's just fine. Interesting sci-fi ideas taken from other shows/movies and good to mediocre jokes.

You all hate women because women ignore you

not only do they ignore me, they also break my heart </3

If they ignored me they wouldn't feel inclined filing those restraining orders don't you think?

The Venture Bros.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rick and Morty.

venture Bros seems almost highbrow compared to r and m

Rick and Morty mightve had a gay fanbase but I thought it was really funny. Have any of you even watched it? A lot better than most garbage on tv

It really is a good show. Probably one of my favorites.

If hiring women ruins it, that should be the final nail in the coffin for anyone on the fence about this bullshit.

They would make fun of 9/11 and shove stuff into their assholes. Seems like it would be right up this subs alley

To reference heavy for my liking. ATHF is still the best show adult swim ever made.

Hat in the ring for Squidbillies.

Aqua Teen, X:RA, and SGCTC

Honorable mention to Sealab and Frisky Dingo

But metalocalyse tho

o fuck tru tru

what about world peace though

You're bluffin' me french fry

Yeah my friend recommended it so I finally gave in and watched it a couple days ago and liked it, the fan base made me never want to watch it

The gay fanbase kept me far, far away until about three months ago. Glad I decided to go against my better judgement.

Steven Universe has the gayest fanbase. They manage to be gayer than My Little Pony's fans.

Read the whole thing, didn't really lessen my anticipation for Season 3.

It's kind of hard to watch that show. I really tried, but it wasn't any fun. Sometimes you can have too many references and clever shit.

Same thing that plagued Community. Dan Harmon kind of sucks.

This. I dont watch a cartoon for complex stories. I want to laugh and be able to look away for 10 seconds. Nothing is explained. It's just flung at you to make sense of. I realize that's kindda the gag, but it gives me a headache.

But it is mildly funny. I could see why some types might like it.

Yes. And the fucking burbs are so damn hack.

I actually listened to an interview with the creator. He was a fucking cunt. It was jarring how unlikable he was

Justin Roiland? Dude's awesome. I can't imagine what you mean.

I bet he meant Dan Harmon

Everyone is written with the same voice on that show. Every single character will have a deadpan, meta-moment where they're incredulous at what's going on.

Women really do ruin everything.

I ain't a reading man.

FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! It's my favorite show. FUCK! Seriously, FUCK! Why has God fucked me so? WTF? Help me Adam Corolla, you're my only hope.

dont worry, the ace man has you covered

Please forgive my ignorance. Who is the "ace man?"

It's what Adam Corolla calls himself.

Classic affirmative action pandering. Get a few woman on there to shut them up, then never use any of their ideas and talk shit about them behind their back

They didn't just bring in a token, half the writing staff was female for this season. You can't silence half a writing team.

Thread title is accurate I guess...

Seriously, last night I was watching Rick & Morty and thought to myself, "I'm glad Dan Harmon isn't a dick like Judd Apatow"

Dan Harmon is a big SJW.

"sniff" Faaaawwwwk, and I thought Dan was....... I don't know...... one of us....... See what happens when we give one these guys a little exposure

I love this place.

Who watches this autism anyways?

I remember reading somewhere that the CEO or dude who is in charge of Adult Swim say he doesn't like having women write for their shows because they cause drama and problems more than men. He said something about trying to have female writers before and almost all of them turned out to be problematic. Was pretty funny reading all the hate he got but he didn't budge.

If that's true, good for him. Enough with the pandering bullshit, if you can't handle some criticizing you or your gender you shouldn't be working for an "edgy" programming block like Adult Swim.

Yeah, but Mike Lazzo also cancelled Aqua Teen, so fuck that aging pothead cunt.

Oh for fucks sake.

Harmon started talking about needing more broads on the writing staffs of his shows years ago. Going so far as to asking the audience at the end of his live shows if their are any ladies in the audience that could possibly write comedy.

This isn't anything new. Just a story trying to put the buzz on an awesome new season of Rick and Morty on the shoulder of broads.

No big deal. Rise above these dummies and calm down faggots.

I disagree

Justin Roiland? Dude's awesome. I can't imagine what you mean.

I still haven't checked it out. I'm afraid I will hate this show.