I would like to take a quick moment to say Jim Jefferies is a twat.

43  2017-07-28 by A_Friendly_Creeper

Ok thanks, now go about your evening.

Clayton's cuck.


I would have to take a moment to agree. Now what?

Now we daaaance

We won't let you forget that you did


Fuck him. I never liked him.

Hope he breaks his fawkin neck or sumthing

You didn't like all his stories that started off with, "SO I IS DRUNK OFF ME TITS..."

For all I know, he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed.


Australians talk weird

Who needs guns when you can just legally run down aboriginals in your car? Sick fucking country.

only if he's drunk

I used to love him on O & A back in the day. He really has went downhill the last few years.

He was great on the old shows, I just don't like him telling us all why we are wrong on his new show.

you got that right boyo

Another good comedian ruined by trump

Trump president naahhhh has turned these comics into insufferable nits.

Luckily we won't have to worry about that once he's impeached

Get that fake news outta here mister.

any day now

Impeached for?

Being a peckah sucks, if I wanted a gay for president I wouldve voted for hillary.


Whichever of his numerous impeachable offenses reaches that destination first

Name one ya fag salad?

Excellent, be sure to make a giant "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" thread when that happens. I'll have the brown, ashy nipples girl flown to you to go suck your dick after I see it.

He was a poor man's Stanhope and now he's just pathetic. I blame it on fatherhood, it took Bill too.

no i believe the brotherhood took bill


I blame it on fatherhood too. Think about your fans you selfish ass.


I'd say when he quit drinking, that was his last good special.

Damn that's a really fucking poor man

Any reasons other than political affiliation? (Probably not)

I've never voted in my life.

Yes, yes he is.

More enthusiasm please.

I've disliked him ever since he trashed Colin on O&A.

He's a twat, but he is still funny.

His show is funny, even with the predictable leftist agenda.

Same with John Oliver, still funny, even if completely predictable.

Bill Maher even now and then makes a funny crack...rarely, and he's even more insufferable with his views than the others, but it happens.

Is he the one that sings the Australian soap song?I'd like to get Sherrod to sing that.Anybody got a clip?

What are you talking about, he's wonderful. I'm glad Comedy Central came up with the original idea to have a comedian from another country spend a half hour bashing Trump.

WEll, when you put it that way.

God I loved him when he was drunk off his ass screaming about the crazy "muzzies".

I learned a new word. :D

The good old days.

Trump president naahhhh has turned these comics into insufferable nits.

The good old days.