100% Confirmed: Carl "The Mad Cubanigger" Ruiz fucks children.

45  2017-07-28 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

I think I heard someone say so in a pub so it's definitely true.

Spread the word.


Well I guess that's that then

It's breaking now on SNN.

Absolutely verified fact.

It's not absolute verified fact, but you can't see the smoke for the fire on this one. It looks bad for Carl Ruiz, proprietor of many New Jersey restaurants, who stands accused of molesting up to eight (8) children beginning in 2012.

I bet Maries has a sex dungeon basement like that pizza place in washington

My sources are confirming this as well

my sauces taste like cum, but they are from Maries Deli, so makes sense

Opie said this numerous times, so it's obviously a lie.

Everytime I see his name I hear Opie in my head say "Hahaha Da Mad Cuban".

So his deli IS a front for human trafficking.


Thank you for providing this documented evidence. I shall pass it on to the authorities.

Well shit. There you have it, gang.

The hardest part to believe about this is that someone was actually talking about Carl Ruiz.

I wouldn't never doubt you otherwise. This is cold hard truth.

Allegedly fucks children.

Your use of the word "pub" would imply that he's known overseas. He's far too irrelevant for that to be true, so I rate this "pants on fire."

I shamefully listened to one of Opie's shows where Carl Ruiz actually talked about this. He was rambling on about how, before he married his wife, he took her kids out without her to spend time with them.

He put great emphasis on how everyone who saw them thought he was a pedophile, and how he was frantically trying to get the kids to warm up to him by bribing them. I think he even talked about wiping their ass for them with the bathroom door open, can't remember if it was the boy or girl.

Anyway, he was laughing hysterically, but it was the laugh of a man who had gotten away with something horrific. He obviously had experience with this type of shit before, and his radiant paranoia of others identifying him as a pedo seemed pretty weird to put such a heavy focus on.

In case anyone thinks I'm making this up, because no one here would ever willingly listen to Opie's show, I'm not-- I'm pretty sure it happened on one of the shows where Ron White was peddling his tequila with his mom

I am a survivor of this man's inappropriate groping. The incident took place back in October of 2014. I'm glad he is getting his comeuppance.

Now please shower me with attention.

Yes, I recently read that on the internet.