REMINDER: Eddie Bravo is an annoying retard

45  2017-07-28 by chrb16


It enrages me how stupid he is.

I have no fucking clue who that is so "reminder" doesn't really fit.

REMINDER: so is joe rogan


Living example of how compartmentalized intelligence can be. He is completely, dangerously retarded in every way except that he's a jiu jitsu genius.

Since when does knowing how to knock another guy out effectively make you a genius?

Because jujitsu is legitimately a physical game of chess. Bravo is widely considered an incredible mind in this respect.

He is a retard in everything else, though. Hard to fathom sometimes.

Shut the fuck up with the chess comparison. I'm so sick and tired of hearing faggots like you trying to justify humping another man as the equivalent of chess.

Hahaha lol, you should try this out next time you do a set at a club, and realize ur actually alone and never achieved ur aspirations of being a comedian.

ya how dare they denigrate the great game of humping men like that

oh bro your have never been so wrong

shut up you edgy cunt

He is the Forest Gump of conspiracy theory.

He makes Low Rogan look smart.

Rogan is short a cool 4'2

Haha is this gonna be a thing now? 4'2?

3'9 actually

The earth may be flat but Joe Rogan's shoes definitely aren't.

YEEEAAAHH got a new set of lifts for my toe shoes, they match with my brand new hemp wig!



I watched devils advocate the other day and the scene were he's about to hire keanu, they pan to his shoes and they have a 3 inch heel

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"Where do you get your news???!"

He's great when he's talking fighting. But he really is a fucking retard

Okay unpopular opinion but as a Bjj practitioner Eddie is a fucking genius. He's revolutionized the sport with his techniques and changed how MMA At the highest level is faught. He's also a very good guitarist.

I don't know what Happened with the conspiracies... It makes him more intelligent than the brainwashed dopes that just parrot CNN articles, Fox News, and Colbert report...

But Patrice was also a conspiracy theorist. The difference was he presented his theories in a matter that made him appear intelligent. He was very composed and didn't force the issue on people that didn't agree.

Also, it doesn't help that Rogan sold out for YouTube and iTunes money, simply parroting whatever the popular opinion is and also presenting the safest of "controversial" opinions.

Conspiracies are one thing, but if you're a flat earther you're a gullible retard

I think it was pride 12 him and the color guy almost got into an argument on the. It was great.

Alex Jones said Rogan was threatened by the CIA to tone down his conspiracy talk. I believe it purely for the fact that I want it to be true.

Woa. That's a lot or words I don't plan to read. I will react to what I assume you're saying. You like Rohan and Edgy Bravo...well fuck you

His brain has clearly been scrambled from too many blows to the head.

Bjj isn't a striking art... Maybe he was dropped on the head in grappling

You can get in a hot air balloon and see the curvature of the earth...

Sure let me just settle in for an hour long YouTube video.

You're on this sub and don't watch hour long videos daily...


"I'm crazy" is his only defense.

Eddie Bravo loves to troll people, and he's doing it here.

Funny how you fucktards call him a retard but I guarantee not a single one of you can debunk Flat Earth without retreating to NASA's admittedly 100% CGI images. So by all means keep believing you know the shape of the Earth because you were told to believe that. Dumb cunts.

Keep believing what they're telling you, maaaaaaaahn.

Just go watch literally any boat leaving harbor and your retardation will be clear.

That was fucking pathetic.

He single-handedly ruined Alex Jones' appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast. Fuck that idiot!

no he didnt it was hilarious when they were fucking around and joe was getting pissy. Probably the funniest part.

Reminder: Joe Rogan is annoying

Wasn't Eddie Bravo the one who constantly derailed the Alex Jones episode?

Alex Jones is a good egg.

He is a national treasure.

Nazi! Rape!

Literally Hitler.

Look into it

Calling Eddie Bravo a retard is offensive to retards.

Leave eddie "look into it bro" bravo alone.

He's a coconut nigger

Guys Eddie met ALEX JONES of all people and managed to annoy the shit out of him by being too drunk and high and asking questions about chemtrails and shit.

ALEX FUCKING JONES was even like "nah I'm not getting into this"

It seems someone that unreasonably feebleminded compared with a person such as rogan would make the latter seem more intelligent. It doesn't, they're both retards. Schaub might have been the most levelheaded person there. I want to slap Jim everytime says Rogan is a "very smart guy"

Haha is this gonna be a thing now? 4'2?
