Jim just confirmed Kenny left because he fell out with Opie

158  2017-07-28 by Dennyislife

Dumb Kenny just had to hold out a few weeks


"Personality clash that had nothing to do with me and Sam."

Kenny was the biggest Opie supporter for a while and even ended up saying fuck Opie.

"Go fuck yourself, GH."

Opie fired Kenny. On what was supposed to be his last day Op called out.

Opie really is the shittums.

A real crumbbum.

Kenny gone, Vos and Bonnie not talking to him, seems to have gone cold on Anthony again, Sherrod kissing Jim's ass, Vic only coming around if he'd be paid. He's down to just Carl with his friends.

Carl is just a star struck fan with delusions of making a career in radio.

Lol redditard, Carl is a radio diamond that Opie has found in the wilderness just like he did with Ant all those years ago. Nice try with the hate though. Have a good one.

Good parody

Trying too hard man. Make a new account and try again.

Hahahaha you honestly think this sub has any effect on my life? Have a good one.

*affect, stupid

Let me completely honest witchu, I purposefully included that mistake to annoy that fawkin haters. Have a good one

it's just boring mate

I know how good I am. Period. Have a good one


Antwan and samcro soprano joe were star struck fans too ...but Carl is an untalented pizza maker you won't have that same result Carl

Carl: Duhhhh hahaha uhhhhh durrrrr hahaha


Carl: Duhhhh hahaha uhhhhh durrrrr hahaha


It's like the show never left!

He's the owner of a failing deli in a strip mall in Jersey who lies even more than Opie and is the least entertaining person on the planet. He's the worthless cunt who ended his long friendship Roland to be loyal to Opie.

http://imgur.com/a/MVXEz - love the food network logo and plugs. gaudy ass motherfucker.

Home of the Sacred Swine

Did he ditch the Mad Cuban name?

No Amy eats there often

She's not sacred.

To the Juhs on the left she is.

Misspelled "scarred".

The lack of menu design aesthetic mixed with the outrageous prices is quite the combination. I wonder how they stay in business.

Seriously. $15 for chicken parmesan from that dump?

Considering the menu is laminated as thickly as grandma's couch in Florida? Sounds about right.

Uh, ever go to a restaurant overlooking Central Park or one with an amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge? its expensive as fuck to eat because the location can demand it. He can charge so much because strip malls in New Jersey are the new hip place to go

Chicken Parm Entrees should not be the same price as Spaghetti and Meatballs. The Mad Cuban does not understand price-tiering.

Probably a front for human trafficking.

thats Slander my friend, youll be hearing from someone if you dont delete

Truth is a legal defense to slander

It's libel. Faggot.

Sheeeit... cause he's a sandwich makin mutha fuka... mutha fuka

we always get the sandwiches when we to marie's. last time i had the drunk chicken parm sandwich, the sacred swine sandwich and also a free plate of cannolis. it was a ton of food for the money. i'm 450 pounds and could barely finish it.

Pat you're incorrigible!

Check out the video that's on their website. Notice how all the comments are positive? Carl must've paid Opie to take down negative comments to help promote his shitty deli.

Carl running to get that cake just shows how needy he is. I loved that it wasn't even close to jerry's birthday, and how Carl acted like he was all upset and then he continues to act like he hates Springer now.

When springer came in, Carl acted like Jerry was his biggest hero. Carl, just like Opie, jizzes himself whenever he gets within ten feet of a real celebrity.

He wrote his own name under Jerry's on the cake too, what a douche.

Now I'm fucking hungry thanks

Those prices are fucking ridiculous

Chicken Parm Entrees should not be the same price as Spaghetti and Meatballs.

I'm not a fag but I can't get over how ugly he is. Like, his face offends me more than the blue waffle. Hopefully he falls face first into the deep fryer, it could only help

But his t-shirt collection is fawkin epic!

That asshole is always wearing a "look-at-me" T-shirt, hey you dopey fuck, you're not 13, grow up!!

Worked out for Anthony.

He's only friends with Carl because he has links to TV, however pathetic they are.

They need to give those two beauties a show.

Yep, using Carl to get on The Food Network, or some shit like that.

lol it's 2 bums who think they are using each other but have nothing to offer.

"we're two guys that think a meaty breast should be on a chicken sandwich and on the chest of an aging man!"

Being featured on the news as a child rape suspect isn't what most would call "links to TV"...

Fuck u talmbout?

During the O&A vs Ellis fight, Opie legitimatly said, and believed, that he should be hosting the Tonight Show.

Scorch has a better chance of hosting than he does.

Because Howard is/was on TV.

I think it goes back further than that. He keeps liking to pull out his sizzle reel back when he was trying to get on tv being an up and coming spunky dj...

Opie's PFG TV.

Even less people attending, no Sibby and no free pizza for coming over. Purriod.

Maybe he can reach out to Nick and use FH Rileys as his TV studio.

seems like a steep cost to pay instead of learning to laugh at yourself and not take yourself so seriously that your feelings are hurt at every little thing.

I missed the Vos&Bonnie fallout w/Tits, what was it over? Paying Bonnie less than Rich because she's a woman or something even dumber.

Vos got fed up with the situation with Jimmy.

I don't think Vos has spoken about it. He mentioned on his podcast he had a falling out with Opie but didn't elaborate, he said something to the likes of, "I think Opie lost my number. We had a falling out..." Then he asked Bonnie if she had a falling out with Opie's wife too... Bonnie didn't seem comfortable answering that and she said she's giving them some space right now after Opie's firing.

Rich said something about how it's just two millionaires feuding. Bonnie seemed surprised Jim was a millionaire and then Rich went back to complaining about how he makes good money and doesn't have any major expenses like kids and a wife.

I'm guessing it's about Opie paying the other guys. Who knows?

Bonnie seemed surprised Jim was a millionaire

I'd be surprised if Jim wasn't a millionaire

Jews get pissed of you don't pay them

What happened with rich and bonnie?

killed during a home invasion, hopefully.

He has the Phil Crew

Whos carl?

Kenny should have given Opie the old wood shampoo

Titty fuck him with his nightstick.

Put a shanty on his glimmer.

Proof or I fuck your wifes illegitimate African slave/ food prep...

Sir marriage is for fags.

I agree!

When you're having a falling out with your loyal mentally challenged man-servant, you have to know you're a piece of shit. But Opie still thinks it's everyone else.

Like a well evolved defense mechanism, The Torpid Sloth never reveals to itself how much of a loathsome piece of garbage it really is and instead fosters delusions of grandeur.


Kenny could deal with screaming crackhead negresses as a cop but couldn't deal with a man filled with botox who had huge tits. Wow

Club Soda Kenny is lucky he still collects that pension of his. He had some friends in high places in West Orange to give him that sweet deal to "retire"

$63,824 per year.

How do you know the exact figure?

His forced retirement was big news.

He also didn't exactly have a sparkling reputation in the PD there. There was a reason he was mainly working IA cases and not on the road.

Yeah they hated him hence him having to fight for his pension and someone leaking his standup to the police department.

It's public record.

Anyone got the timestamp link?

I said it before: I am willing to hire Kenny to stand at the foot of my driveway and sat hello to any neighbors that walk past. $8/hour.

I said it before: I am willing to hire Kenny to stand at the foot of my driveway and sat hello to any neighbors that walk past. $8/hour.

"Good morning, HD"

What was the backstory exactly with Kenny? I wasn't listening to the show when this happened.

Opie may have been filming Kenny in the bathroom too

Idk. I've seen Kenny on private planes with Schumer. I think he'd rather do that occasionally than deal with da Opster.

Guaranteed it had something to do with the Howard incident, and keeping Opie locked out.

That was the last time I ever saw Kenny at all.

Opie embarrassed him.

Real nuggets don't dance, sniiiifffffff, they just pull up they pants gulp.....Philly krew


Considering the menu is laminated as thickly as grandma's couch in Florida? Sounds about right.

Uh, ever go to a restaurant overlooking Central Park or one with an amazing view of the Golden Gate Bridge? its expensive as fuck to eat because the location can demand it. He can charge so much because strip malls in New Jersey are the new hip place to go

Chicken Parm Entrees should not be the same price as Spaghetti and Meatballs. The Mad Cuban does not understand price-tiering.

Opie may have been filming Kenny in the bathroom too