Reminder. In the last three years Opie has had three radio shows blow up.

103  2017-07-28 by Dennyislife

Considering he's been doing this since he was 18 that's kinda careless


Putting up the numbahs.

I don't need to be reminded of that. In fact I beat my dick savagely thinking of the career suicide that Opie inflicted on himself

He's been doing this a long FAWKIN' time.

This is why Howard said Opie should have fought for his partner when Ant was fired. You let the sharks see blood in the water, they'll circle your boat until they eat all of you. Howard was saying that from a business angle, not some faggy best friends forever angle. The problem is Opie thought he was the shark.

It's almost like Howard is a smarter and better broadcaster than Opie

You forgot 'more successful'.

Seriously. Everyone has had to work with someone they couldn't stand. It's just business. Show up to work, put on a smile, collect your paycheck and understand: it's a job.

Somehow the hunter became the hunted...

All three of those shows happened to have Opie in the name. Coincidence?

  1. The doc series...but Im sure the Stangles ruined that and it wasnt the Titty Monsta.

You guys are such assholes. Wait until Opie releases the tell-all book. Then we will see the real story.

Nothing to tell,he's a dumbass.

It would actually be fascinating to see Anthony write his own book, and Opie write his own as well.

Their interpretations of the best and worst of times would be so drastically different between the two of them.

Opie is such a liar that a tell-all book from him would be pointless

Just imagine the audiobook from Opie. Pausing every 4 or 5 words because he doesn't know how to read.

That's going to have to be one damn big beach.

DickPunchOpie killing it in studio for us today!

It's ironic that the ship-steerer sunk the ship 3 times since he's been on his own and having to....steer the ship.

And don't forget at least one if not more Podcasts.

He's still "figuring this thing out".

Four. Don't forget the jim that was the documentree show.

Pretty sad when Anthony cumia was the one solid, reliable person keeping your life together

Opie is such a liar that a tell-all book from him would be pointless

Just imagine the audiobook from Opie. Pausing every 4 or 5 words because he doesn't know how to read.