Big Jay has sex with his shirt on

5  2017-07-28 by Cream_P

...and Luis felt so bad he offered to edit it out. There's a post on the LOS sub about it.


Luis j Gomez cums in his dirty socks

Luis j Gomez cums in his dirty socks

As he should.

Probably has the fingerless gloves on too.

fingerless mitten, obesity, ciggie smoking, pot addiction, chain wallets, spiky hair, nu metal

everything about jay sucks

Hey dude, he just vapes now.

I have a gut and even I take my shirt off. Big Jay is an emo fruit.

Weird. Even Opie fucks with his shirt off.

Big Jay has sex

  • is more of a breaking news than that he does it in his shirt.

Jesus the dude on that post saying he is 315 lbs and is gonna cut back on soda to lose weight. Good luck you fat fuck.