Here's an old photo of Tits and the Cumia Brothers

24  2017-07-28 by chargersfan3421


I thought that was Kevin Garnett for a second and then I saw how close the 4'11 long island strangler was in height to him.

You can really see the bosoms starting to sprout there.

I wonder if this is how all fathers perceive the cunts that fell out of their cunts cunt.

Titty Boi

Opies whole necklace and man boob combo gives him a presence that reminds me of good ol' Chris Chan.

They exhibit similar levels of social awareness.

Greg Busey.



Anthony should really have taken that Gaddafi mask off before taking the picture.

It really is amazing how hateable Opie's face is. He's such a dick.

Ant looks great and happy.

Yeah. Ant looks great. If by "great" you mean "just walked out of a five alarm five charred within an inch of his life but happy to be alive."

Ant looks like he defends a mummy's tomb from Brendan Frazier

Fawwwkin brutal


He does look like an Arabian man that should be looking at a map for a secret message in the desert.

Could have been a model

Opie really looks like a long island soccer mom

Nice pit stain, Muammar.

And here we see Opie is once again attempting to look in two different directions at the same time.

How did he avoid a beating over his walleyes all those years? Everyone must have know to leave it alone. Truly an ugly dumb fuck

cool beads bro

I have no idea who that schwoogie is.

His name's on his shirt, if that helps.

Anthony looks like KSM right after he was yanked off the battlefield