Would you feel bad if Opie committed suicide?

0  2017-07-28 by Suibu


Only if he didn't facebook live it.

For Bam's kids maybe


Yeah, a great pair of tits shouldn't go to waste.

not great

Hi Gregg

Lamb chops

If his family and acquaintances won't, why would we?

Yeah probably

only because we couldn't make fun of him anymore

I tweeted him once and he blocked me, my conscience is clear if that fat-titted nobody finally pulls the trigger.

I'd only feel bad if I thought I didn't contribute towards his decision.

It would be funny to see a small percentage of the sub start saying things like, "yeah he wasn't always the funniest guy in the room, but he did create an amazing show" yuck.

The same way everyone thinks about Neil commiting suicide.
