Of all the people in the O&A/R&F universe, Sheepy was the most disgustingly vile faggot of them all

2  2017-07-28 by TonyFromLongIsland




Mark zito was worse just because he dared to get into the ring with professional murderer Troy Quan

He was outwitted there

The other Bobo on R&F is there ever person called Bobo that was not a fucking retard? A friend had a dog named Bobo that would fuck their cat

He wrote "Pope Bobo Baby". That stupid song is catchy as fuck.

I want to beat him with his own ukulele

Pope Bobo Baby

Pope Bobo Baby number 1

The Stern Bobo is known for his feeble mind as well

"Hard Rock" Johnny

Janice from Chicago

Blow Hard





Kathleen from the Bronx

Happy Typing Girl


Should I go on?... Sheepy doesn't even crack the top 10 of R&F listeners who deserve a slow death.

You got your wish with the slow death regarding one of those names.

Only 10 to go.

Who was it?

Irish Alkey.

Damn, listening to the episodes now where he has a baby. No matter what I think of someone, sucks to hear they died.

Mafia life Chris

Holy shit, no idea how I forgot that zero.

I agree with most of those. Especially Happy Typing Cunt and Frenchie. Perrynoid had to have killed himself by now. But come on, Sheepy was fucking HARRIBLE.

Bam was the worst I remember punking him at the hard rock for talking shit on my space lol made a grown man say I'm sorry ahhhthe good ole days