Joe Matarese--who fucking STINKS--is now trying to charge $2 for him to do voiceover directions on the Waze app

77  2017-07-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Sorry to post again about Joe Matarese, but the guy is fascinating to me. He is completely devoid of talent and will seemingly embarrass himself just to make a buck. He's been doing comedy almost thirty years and is completely unknown. A normal person would just quit and get a regular job but this guy just keeps trying and embarrassing himself.

Keep up the good work. He really should be higher on this subs list but he is just too pathetic.

He's one of those people where if he got made fun of enough, he might actually quit comedy. Ironically, he'd probably be a happier and more likeable person.

He also might pull a Chris Cornell

I really hate how he thinks he's creative. He thinks he's always on the cusp of coming up with the next great idea for a podcast, live show, sitcom, etc.

He's so bad it's fascinating. How about the video from a few months back where he basically forces Anthony to do dueling Sopranos impressions with him "backstage" at Compound Media. His lack of awareness and Ant's reluctant compliance said so much about both of these wops.

His fucking body language is upsetting. He's not even in character, he's just nervously moving around

He says sorry. Would love to know what goes on in this guys head.

woah, he'll "seemingly embarrass himself just to make a buck"? woahhhh wow hahaha imagine that

He's one of those guys who convinces himself if he can just get any sort of check once in awhile he's a professional.

He is one of the worst people in America.

Perhaps the world

Now that opie is gone I nominate joe matarese for public enemy number one

I legitimately think if anyone was gonna hang themselves because of hate they got on the internet, it would be this dude.

Joe doesn't appear to be as bad of a guy. There's an alarming amount of evidence of Opie being a POS. Joe is just misguided and hapless in his attempts to make it big. He may be too sad and cringe a figure to become public enemy #1.

I disagree. The damage we can do he's already doing for himself. Seems like wasted effort.

He's a good guy, a family guy. He's even funny sometimes when he's with Dipaolo. But the guy is fucking retarded when it comes to business ideas. His garage must be a graveyard of failed side hustles.

None of those things are true except the last two sentences.

I have no idea how Diapaolo even entertains this drug addled retard.

When he was on Nick's show, he was talking about that spic song with justin beiber, and told them to play it on air...which they did... it was fucking brutal.

He's a completely unaware train wreck. I hope his wife gives him shit everyday

It really just boils down to them being Italian

I would sooner pay $2 to OP if he never posted anything about anyone named Joe again.

Paypal $2 to [email protected] or I will unleash my killer series of posts on Joe DeVito.

Should pay him $2 to say talk shit about his wife or club owners and then email it to them.

Why the fuck can't this man handle being an average, talentless nobody? This sub is filled with them and it's really not so bad.

The majority of this sub is funnier than him.

Matarese is proof that not all publicity is good publicity. Before the Fixing Joe with Ant, Jimmy, and Artie, I had heard the name Joe Matarese but knew nothing about him. Assumed he was probably reasonably funny. But as soon as that episode came out...has he gained one fan from that? Plus now he has the attention of assholes who never would have bothered him before.

And nickdip is going to help him out.

Waze fucking stinks. That piece of shit app has gotten me lost SO many times & given me bad directions. More like GAYze.

It's really awful. People recommend it to me constantly. It's so far behind Google Maps.

Google Maps blows. Fuck your and your Boost Mobile shit phone, nigger.

I just caught the tail end of Joe's periscope and he's definitely losing it. All joking aside, it's only a matter of time before he completely flips and becomes a serious threat to his family.

This really is one of the saddest things I've seen.. if he gave these away for free, I guarantee 10 people wouldn't download it.. now think how many will do it if they have to pay even $2 for it..

It really is time for ol selfish to grab the want ads and stop forcing his wife to pay all the bills.

Poor bastard manages 1-2 likes per tweet. He makes Tits numbers look impressive.

It's really awful. People recommend it to me constantly. It's so far behind Google Maps.

His fucking body language is upsetting. He's not even in character, he's just nervously moving around

He says sorry. Would love to know what goes on in this guys head.