Is Sam using old photos now?

6  2017-07-27 by Dennyislife


Knowing how bad sam has aged, I can't imagine how bad JR looks now.

"'member when I used to look like Sideshow Bob instead of a mangy Grinch? Ooh yeah, I 'member!"

That was a fucking gay post. Reread it and then sit and think about what you've done.

Do you think wrestlers come to his house to record the podcast?

I don't listen. I assumed they are just touring Sirius and not phoners? This photo is at least 3 years old

Why is J.R's head so fucking giant? It's like 3 times the size of Sam's.

They look like stroke victims.

JR is, though. Bells pallsy, his face is mostly paralyzed.

That is an ancient photo

If just over 3 years is ancient.

In hairline and jowls 3 years is an eternity

E-Rock looks terrible

Doug Benson's looking rough, eh?

JRs right eye looks like that of the Witch in the opening stages of Elvira II - the jaws of Cerberus (amiga)

Bah god! Get this ape off me!