Does E-Rock (strange looking ass fella) hate Sam Roberts (also, not a looker) ? Discuss please.

4  2017-07-27 by A_Friendly_Creeper

Speculate, evaluate and any other ates you feel like doing.


Opie lactates

yes, they all seem to have serious issues going on.

I already have both and I'm missing a leg :(

you poor bastard

It's okay the doctors say it will all be over in 6-8 months anyway :(

Good news for all of us, then!

He's always been annoyed by Sam. It's not a secret.

Yea, this was a stupid post.

You said it brotha

In an early episode of jim and sam, he was discussing opie and brought up how he knew "someone" was selling him out and how he wasn't going to name him. Erock.