Dating Question

0  2017-07-27 by unclepaul84

A close friend of mine has an important first date tonight. It's a girl who he has been friends with for months but really likes. He is somewhat sure that she feels the same way. He said they are going to dinner and then meeting one of her guy friends for drinks at a bar after. He is a little nervous that if things get crazy they might share a first kiss. He wants to be prepared and is thinking about bringing binaca along just in case. Is binaca good to use for a first kiss or is the smell too strong?


Judging by your user name I would say just bring candy.

if theyre meeting one of her "guy friends" then she probably thinks hes gay and likes her friend. This dude about to get friendzoned

Spray the Binaca in the girl's eye and steal a kiss with the guy like you intended to all along, faggot.

"important first date" this fucked before it began. dates are only important for females. second if they're meeting one of her guy friends on a date, she doesn't think it's a date trust me. he anit getting anything...

Haff yuh age minus seventeen...shhhhYOOOUR!

Take her disco dancing at a place with creamy cocktails.

Your "friend" is going to be the power bottom in a threesome. Don't forget to spray some Binaca on the dudes asshole so it doesn't taste like shit.

See if you can fuck her guy friend while she watches

Put the binaca on your asshole. The guy friend will appreciate it.