So are we finally getting the Ant and Ron show soon?

6  2017-07-27 by [deleted]



Sirius contracts don't "generally expire" in October.

Liar whore liar whore and you know it

he's right, Mr. Senator. the only reason "contracts generally expire in October" is because that's when O&A originally signed. it's not a company-wide policy, ya goose.

definitely the second paragraph

Oh. Look who didn't get Keith's OJ joke

I'm embarrassed most of the time, being me and all, but I genuinely can't imagine being as cripplingly stupid as /u/Senators86 in this instance.

I'm sure anyone who knows you personally can imagine it.

No way it's going to be Ron.

Why not? Two faggoty old women. Both lack self awareness and humor.

it's going to be some political dude you never heard of

i bet its this Ron Burgin guy

Ron said on air he signed a 3 year contract like 2-3 months ago, so guy called and was asking about it.

Co host is Brother Joe

You hit the nail on the head. I also believe I heard that Gail was hired to clean the compound bathrooms and make sandwiches for the on air talent. Much more her speed.

He only guests on Anthony's show every other month out of some mix of pity and loyalty. Not happening, especially after the Keith debacle last time.

Jeff Sessions he'll be lookn for work.

I think it will be a twist. That's when Jim and Sam's contract will be up. They'll announce it and say, Anthony's new co host is.... Jim and Sam on Sirius XM!