Joe Matarese: a stay-at-home dad who's been doing comedy for 25 years yet makes no money. Embarrassing.

68  2017-07-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



He's actually not embarrassed which is more embarrassing.

Howard Stern thinks he's hilarious. This is the problem, not enough people have harassed Joe on Twitter. He still has positive emotions that need to be belittled.

Fucking fish oil. And I am pretty sure that the purple ones are Good N' Plenty.

Turns out America doesn't have talent if he is on the show. Unless he's one of the tragic freaks wheeled out to laugh at?


That's hilariously evil. I actually hate the show a little bit less now.

These shitty TV shows do things like this from time to time so the producers can entertain themselves, but the audience usually doesn't get these.

It would probably seem like a funny story arc normally but Joe was so pathetic and excited that he got to the next stage, even though it's mostly forced laughter.

Ant's future cohost right there.

That's not Joe DeVito

He still won't make enough money to support his family.

He's 46 (there), been trying to get a career going for 25 years and still can't provide for his family. I don't know what's more embarrassing, the fact that he's 46 and still isn't financially viable or the fact that he's willing to go on national television and inform everyone that he's a failure - all in the hope of turning things around.

I don't know that he's all that hopeful to turn things around. Based on his stand up I'd say he likes his lot in life and that's what makes me sick the most. What a complacent idiot this guy is.

I know a guy who's married to a 4 and a half but her dad's a hedge fund manager. He bought them a £1.5 million house in London in cash and gives his little princess a very generous monthly stipend. This dope that I know is a good looking dude who's an "artist" (smokes a lot of weed and occasionally paints a piece of shit he never finishes) but is perfectly happy to be emasculated by his plain Jane wife's father in return for a cushy, stress free life.

Not to brag, I work for myself and do well but I'd rather struggle in a shitty low paid job than have my father-in-law or wife take care of everything. Guys like him or Matarese...I don't get it. It must be constant internal humiliation.

I couldn't agree more, what goes through these people's minds?

His wife looks like a real ball breaker. I can tell by the strong nose, lack of lips.

I bet she makes passive aggressive comments about him not contributing to the family funds, and talks shit about him to all her family/friends.

And Joe's one of those progressive dudes who thinks having a "doctor" wife who out-earns him is something special, because he thinks exactly like a woman does. What a chump.


How the fuck did a loser like Matarese land marrying a psychologist?

Same reason as Bonnie marrying Vos: These evil bitches love mentally torturing retards.

She's probably a bigger mess than he is

Crazy women tend to gravitate towards psychology because the barrier for entry is so low and they're obsessed with themselves.

God is that the truth.

Any mental health worker I have known has issues.

It's also the easiest and most subjective "science" outside of sociology.

He is/was a handsome, tall dude.

What are you, a homo?

He grandfathered into it, getting together with her while she was still a bum.

Easiest thing in the world. My last ex is a psychologist and they're so self-obsessed that if you come around and even pretend to give a shit about the stuff they care about, you're in.

Joe isn't a progressive. He only uses the "my wife's a doctor, and that makes me special somehow, or at least less of a fuck-up" play to try to hide what an abysmal failure he is.

It's like the other Joe that brags about his pact with his brother, and the fact that it took a long time to see "dividends" from it, like it was some kind of fuckin' investment.

I'm sure Matarese's wife is a ball-breaking c (Artie even went there on a podcast episode, but it got shut down), but can you blame her?

She can't even divorce the zilch; she'd owe him money!

"She can't even divorce the zilch; she'd owe him money!"

To be fair, that's the only money he's actually EARNED, and deserves every penny he can pry out of her.

He ripped off his dad when he gave him balls and a dick.

After spending 8yrs in school and studying her ass off to make her family happy, she's probably dating a loser with no income or work ethic to spite them.

There's a daddy issue in there somewhere.

She's also an authority figure at work so you can 100% be sure she comes home and he's her bitch. Whenever he doesn't clean the house she'll be like "you dont even help pay the mortgage and you can't do this this and this?!"

I can tell by the strong nose, lack of lips.

My uncle Moishe is a Physiognomist and your suppositions are decidedly unscientific, sir

Because of the unspoken agreement Comedians have to only say how amazing and great every other comedian is, Matarese never had anybody tell him how terribly unfunny he is until his Fixing Joe pilot made it to this forum.

Is this the guy who thinks it's funny/cute to cheat on his wife? Or is that just a shitty rumor?

Joe, you're on the right track. In another thirty years, you'll be selling out Madison Square Garden and winning the Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series.

Howard Stern, one of, if not the greatest broadcaster of my generation, was on this show for 4 seasons, and there isn't one non-ironic, non-cringe highlight clip of him from that time.

I don't really know why this is here but God, is that embarrassing. It's genuinely hard to comprehend it's the same guy I grew up listening to.

What a spindly old jew

Judy Gold looks pretty spry for a 98 year old.

That clip lowered my t-cell count.

Not to mention his pill taking habit. I saw him on TACS once a long time ago, and oh boy, his pill face is on full display. Jaw clenched tight, jittery, high eyes, excited nervous laughter. The guy loves his Aderol

Adderall* dumb ass

My entire life up to this point has now been rendered moot because I didn't know how to spell Adderall. Thanks for getting me back on the right track there, bud.

No problem, pal.

ugh the dad angle. Now he's copying Louie CK.

I laughed. Not at his jokes but the silence that followed them.

I laughed harder at your comment than the clip.

I can't stand Joe, I hate everything about him. I didn't think his set was funny, but around 1:30 you can see how blatantly the edited it to make him look bad or like no one was laughing. Like, really? It would be absolutely DEAD silent in there?

He went on a self-pity promotional tour (with stops including OnA) where he whined about getting done dirty by the AGT editors. In his debut on the show they made it look he killed, and then in this clip from his next round it was the fall from grace. They probably only picked him to be on the show for the goof factor of a stay-at-home dad moonlighting as a comic. In Joe's mind the editors robbed him of his one shot to become synonymous with Seinfeld.

I remember that. As much as I think he stinks, I can't totally disagree with him. He really does come off as a charmless, boring fucking guy though. Nice outfit too, "A&R guy from an early 2000s record label."

I hate him too. Barely even mediocre and so delusional. A talentless, unfunny, worst of all DULL guy who thinks he's just one hit away from stardom. During his appearance on J&S he said "can't you just imagine a movie about a guy who gets harassed on twitter?" And they look at him like "Yeah? And?" Like a joke is coming or something, anything.

I do enjoy watching him fail & fully support all hate towards him.

It was an uncomfortable feeling watching his two dead-on-arrival jokes bomb on stage. He will have that clip haunt him forever. What a soul-crushing moment.

Joe should open his own Italiano Supper Club and Comedy Room where he and a rotation of goombah comics tell spaghetti jokes and do Tony Soprano impressions. I'm not even joking - I think this would be his best bet to pull in a level of income that rivals his wife's. He keeps trying to crowd-source all these other ill-fated, grandiose projects when the obvious career path is right under his nose. He may not know much about running an authentic Italian restaurant, but partnering with somebody who could mastermind the food side would be the easy part of the equation. Joe already has the hard part covered in bringing the laughs.

Are you suggesting the dream team of Carl Ruiz and Joe Matarese?

Guy should put his head on the fawkin railroad tracks.

This man's career is what Opie deserves.

This is what a "kept man" looks like.

You spelled gay wrong.

DAE mental illnesses, goys? He and that Chris Gethard guy need to overdose on each other's pills and spare us this brand of whiny, i'm-neurotic-but-also-hilarious, shit comedy.

Yeah but I bet Howard still won't have him on his show...

It's never a compliment when Howard says you're a funny guy. He actively searchs out people who are less funny and more hate able then he is to make himself look better.

He's a regular Carlin. Calls his wife a cunt for ordering a grocery delivery service at a slightly inconvenient time for him.

He's so unlikeable

Poor wife

I bet his wife made him this way. I've briefly dated two psychology students. The were the most pretentious know it all cunts I've ever dealt with. It basically gave them a reason to think think they were never wrong about anything. I've been to a one also when I was in high school. It's the most stupidest leftist wacko bullshit I've ever experienced. Even as a teenager I could see right through it

America's Got Talent

Not on this evidence, it doesn't.