Yes, Opie is a faot. But on a unrelated note: How fucking great was Boardwalk Empire?

2  2017-07-27 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Re-watching it now...


Fuckin' deer'z

Foat ?

i'd rather talk about opie's faggotry tbh

I knew he was a faot, you can just tell by the way he saunters and his poor posture. Thanks for the confirmation

I've never watched another hbo original besides sopranos and dream on


Watch the first season of true detective. It's great.

That first season is probably the best season of television. Haven't even seen the second heard it's supposed to be absolute shit

After the divorce, I hope Lynsi meets a fine gentleman like Dunn Purnsley.

Most likely it'll be an Arnold Rothstein-type. She need that cash flow coming in.

first 4 seasons were great; lost interest after that

That last episode tho

Huge early century mob guy. They did an amazing with Luciano story and forming of five families. Didn't Hollywood it up at all.

Bobby Canavale was amazing. Every scene he light up and made tense.

Problem was most boring character was the lead character.

Richard Harrow 4 Lyfe, muthafuckas.

One of my favorite characters of all time. I made a bitchin Halloween coshtume of him like 2 years ago.

The season 3 finale where he goes through that hotel was one of my favorite scenes Ive ever seen in a TV show, ever. Holy fuck. (I wish he didn't have such a lame death though in the end.)

That costume is indeed bitchin', as are those tits. That entire sequence is one of the most cathartic and thrilling things I've ever seen on a show. Ultimately Richard lost his mojo when he found pussy and started to settle down. There was time when he and Mike from Breaking Bad were my two favorite characters on TV -- both badasses who were ultimately compromised and got worse deaths than they deserved (Mike's death is beautifully executed, though).

I admire you for not removing the mask mid-coitus; that's something she undoubtedly still thinks about whether she likes it or not.

Thanks. Yeah it was pretty rad. She had great fucking tits.

Mike's death was the best. "Shut up and let me die in peace." It reminded me of Slim Pickens going to the river to die in Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid.

it was so, so good. the last season kind of sucked though. they had to rush and finish the show because Terrence Winter had to go run off and make that piece of shit "Vinyl."

and it's definitely not worth a re-watch. knowing what's going to happen in a show that's constantly trying to make the viewer eagerly anticipate how scenarios are going to play out has got to be so boring.

Not necessarily, the cinematography and acting are still fawkin gud.

I think you'd agree that Greek town belongs to us now

Definitely one of the best shows ever. Cast and storytelling were always top notch. Sopranos, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad are the only ones I would put above it. I guess Game of Thrones, too, even though I want to downgrade it for being fantasy, which has never not been lame and will always be. The X-Files had a legendary run, but it's impossible to ignore how bad some of the later seasons got. The Wire I feel is overrated - something more to admire than to enjoy. Still need to watch The Shield. Thinking through all of Showtime's series, and most of them that spring to mind really do start great and then go off the rails. They're fawkin killin it with the Twin Peaks revival, though.

The ending sucked so fucking bad that I forgot how good the first 4 seasons were.

The 2nd last episode was amazing; the last-last episode not only stunk, but....that's not what happened to Nucky. They're still based on real people. Nucky went to jail for a while, then basically retired.

There's a great story about the real guy, when he called an actual Atlantic City conference he fucked up the booking of the hotel and Al Capone had a total fit in the lobby. Bawled him out in front of everyone and started smashing shit.

Yeah it felt rushed at end. Was good though.

I liked the series, but tapped out when he went to Florida.

I got really disinterested after that German mong killed himself. I miss that stupid face.

Based on the input here, Season 4 was eh, and I sort of agree. The Gillian Darmody nonsense was a bit trite. And I really wish they would've covered the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in the show.

Thanks. Yeah it was pretty rad. She had great fucking tits.

Mike's death was the best. "Shut up and let me die in peace." It reminded me of Slim Pickens going to the river to die in Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid.