How many other people here have been banned from r/politics?

5  2017-07-27 by ManiacalChrisBenoit

Got banned today. Just curious if anyone else has been. They're a very thinned skin group of faggots.


Never been there to be honest, besides here and couple other sub Reddit is mostly for faggots and niggers.

Politics compromised itself to liberals it was all shareblue and clickbait with removed context titles put through a game telephone.

you sound like an antisemite

That means he likes you

What titles and where they link articles has little to do with my hatred of Jews.

I went to -100 karma after posting there with legitimate constitutional libertarian points of view, not even trolling, for a couple of hours and then got bounced for being reported so much. /r/communism members are considered an alt right hate group by the sycophants that post there. They believe Venezuela failed because it wasn't "true socialism" bunch of mental midgets.

Lol yeah I am also banned from r/communism. Along with r/askfeminists, r/feminism, and r/9/11conspiracy. And I didn't try to get banned from any of them. They are just so sensitive.

What kind of a fag tries to have insightful political discussions with retards?

Couldn't agree more. I lost myself for a couple of hours, this is how I felt by time I was banned.

with retards

if only. that sub was taken over by "correct the record" during bernie vs hillary - and they never left. its basically official site for democratic party run by their employees.

I just removed it from all. I don't even give a fuck about trump. I'm just bored of it all now.

Your post tells me nothing but your username tells me everything

Was mostly dicking around trying to find a good angle for this trans army bullshit to troll with.

It used to be actual people posting, but some time near the end of the Democratic primary, it was taken over by pro-Clinton super PACs and all discussion disappeared. I don't know why anyone goes there. It's non-stop Trump trashing and zero in-depth discussion. Just childish insults and bot-level posts.

I've had multiple accounts banned there, usually for nothing.

Your a faggot if you actually spend time on any other faggot sub other than this fag sub, fag

I'm sorry...

I'm banned from basically every default sub. vurry sensitive people.

Ive been banned many times at least 3, I wait a month then ask for forgiveness. You mention anything pro Trump you get insta downvotes from them though still worth it.

That sub does seem much more level headed.

Never been on there. I'll be back in a jiffy ta let ya know.

I'm banned from worldnews for calling Muslim terrorists "Fucking inbred savages."

They can keep up the ban, my opinion will not change.

No just the trump one