Opie's awful cooking video

6  2017-07-26 by FlashVirus


Over the top annoying Opie, because being annoying is funny somehow. We get:

  • Loud chewing, like a typical mongoloid that eats with his mouth open

  • Dramatically cutting and seasoning the chicken for whatever reason.

  • And a paint brush for whatever reason. Shocking stuff.


Wtf did I just watch?

*annoying ass trumpet for every cut scene.

*ugly spic shaking his head.

*after he poured that red sauce it cut to some almond cereal bullshit? Huh.

its should be noted that Opie is filming this with one hand and cooking with the other, meaning his wife refused to participate in this non-sense

He's trying to rip off howtobasic with the chicken stabbing etc. The dearth of talent this man exhibits never fails to amaze!

He cuts in old video of the cook because he won't allow him to come into his home.