Reminder - The ugly Hispanic short-order cook starts a lot of his tweets with "Ha!" so, inevitably, Opie copied it. Tits has no semblance of a soul and no original ideas or thoughts of his own, so he mimics others like a replicant trying to fit in as a human.

59  2017-07-26 by McGowan9


Are you implying that Opie immediately overuses any sort of catch phrase or joke?


He's done this his whole career. Some stuff he stole from Anthony:

"All in", "warsh", "linger longer", the list is really endless. He takes something a person says once or twice and then repeats it "at nauseum"

Ronnie B dragssss his ssesssss. Ima do that. See what I do now?

that helps any recipe

I recall at one point he only used "warsh", and would do it 4 or 5 times in a row.

You don't need a soul to realize you're behaving douchily. You only need a brain.

Opie's a Scarecrow.

He's been doing that as far as I could stand to scroll:

(Fuck you for making me defend Opie.)

Was he doing it before he paid the spic to be on his show? No.

Was he paying the spic in 2015?

Yes. For blowjobs.

I also feel like he's been doing this forever.

I also feel like he's been doing this forever.

I also feel like he's been doing this forever.

Fuck yourself for not having the sense to not defend him.

It's like when he tried to change his laugh around the Lady Di internship episodes. He thinks he can piece a likable personality together with other people's mannerisms.

Part Florentine voice, part Carl's lame Twitter exclamations, part Howard's boss man persona, part Chip (reverse it.) More?

He really is a pathetic shell of a sociopathic human being. And not in an interesting Ted Bundy way. More in a rejected character idea for the new Bladerunner movie way.

Can you link some moments of him attempting to construct a new laugh for himself? That is the height of insecurity. This. It's not the worst one, but who wants to click through hours of audio listening for an asshat laughing?


Opie's not "interesting" enough to be a psychopath. Psychopaths are born, sociopaths are made. He's a low level, vain, partly socialised sociopath with a low tolerance for risk. If he was actually born as poor as he claims, he'd be a repeat burglary/fraud convict.

You are right sir.

Not a psychopath, more like an autistic narcissist.

I think borderline. I asked him on twitter if he is a Narcissist, Borderline or just an asshole. Not blocked yet surprisingly.

Comin soon, HA! t-shirts on

They'll definitely be up in 3-6 months.

Member Brotherman and Motherhuker?

I hope he gets his tits shot off in slo mo while he runs through plate glass and synthesizer noir music plays

Die Tard.

RollerBlade Runner

I've...ruined bits you people wouldn't believe.

I've seen things you people wouldn't belive. Attack bits on fire, off the shoulder of Broadway. I watched shock jock gags glitter in the dark off the Avenue of Americas. All those moments will be lost, in time. Like tears in gay rains. Time. To suck cock.

And DL Hughley replied???

I feel like that's the most important part and the sub just glossed it over.

I am not positive, but I think he stole the bit where he would rip pages out of a book while they interviewed the author from Jimmy. I've heard clips of both Opie and Jimmy doing it, but I doubt Jimmy would steal it from him, so I assume Opie stole it.

we got hit!

What the fuck does that mean? It's maddening

When did he start saying "X got hit" 30 times a day?

A caller got through on his show and told him everyone wouldn't think he was a bitch if he could just take the hit once and a while and not have greggshells smashed all over. I think it went over opie's head and he missed the point and thought take the hit was the funny part so he added it to his "jokes"

"On point". He is 55 fucking years old !

Opie the replicant is too funny.

Trying to fit in like a human, TV show breastworld, something something

He puts the jism in autism. Also very gay. This. It's not the worst one, but who wants to click through hours of audio listening for an asshat laughing?