Was just thinking about the whole Roland situation, couple of thoughts....

0  2017-07-26 by TangerineReam

  1. MOST LIKELY: Either Opie came to Roland to talk about the lack of guests on the show, or Roland came to Opie. The two men probably reached a consensus about the situation, which would've meant that the issue -to some degree- was squashed. YET OPIE WENT TO MANAGEMENT ANYWAY. It's bad if Opie went to management before talking to Roland, it's even worse if he talked to Roland, "handled it", but went around Roland after their conversation to management, in order to complain about him. That's a sure fire sign of his lying narcissistic behavior, which we all knows he capable of anyway.

  2. The only way Opie could've known Roland was in the stall would be to either call out Roland's name (which if you were Roland and you went to the bathroom to escape Opie, you probably wouldn't answer if he said your name)...OR TO ACTUALLY LOOK INTO THE STALL TO SEE WHO WAS IN THERE. The latter is even weirder, because for all he knew it could've just been some random employee on the floor...

  3. ...and if it WAS a random employee/stranger on the floor: What's to say that Opie wouldn't keep filming anyway? He's already crossing a line by randomly looking into bathroom stalls...

  4. Sherrod and the rest of those retards were "laughing their balls off" as Opie puts it...but if their first reaction was to laugh as Opie tilts his camera over a bathroom stall to film someone whom is at first perceived as a stranger (before its confirmed that it's Roland)? Then that's very telling of the rest of them, not just Opie. Either they're hopeless sycophants for $750 a day; or they would've done the same thing to a stranger as Opie did, and were probably salivating over seeing the video when Opie was finished

TL;DR: No one likes Opie because he lies to his "guys" faces, while filing them in the bathroom. Potentially, his "guys" may also like seeing that too.


He targeted Roland because he thought Roland was weak and would just take his abuse. That's how opie works, he shits on people he perceives as being lesser than him. This also exposes his own inherent insecurity.

It like how he used to bully poor Fez until Fez destroyed him, then he had nothing to say.

But again: How could he has known Roland was in that stall? Unless he followed Roland in with the intention of doing that. If you-as Roland- heard Opie calling out to you in the bathroom, would you have answered?

Most likely, he was "taking a peek", regardless of who was in there.

I picture it this way. Opie and his guys are standing in the hallway babbling to one another about what a great show they just did, then they see Rolando (his Mexican-ness needs to be played up) going into the bathroom. One of them says "oh let's go fuck with Roland" so they wait a few seconds then follow him in.

You said a COUPLE of thoughts.

A couple of few things: Like Paulie said in The Sopranos.

A couple of three things, and Phil Leotardo said that. Stick to Silicon Valley you faggot.


This is very reasonable and totally not bias

It never clicked for me before but if Opie went to management about Roland and then videotaped him in a stall it's a no fucking brainer they had to fire him or Roland could sue the shit out of them. It's like going out of your way to document there is animosity.

"couple" means "two"...as in "Opie has a couple of beauts.".

If you Schinkel bout it, it's not much different than cake stomp. Opie assumed since they gave him money a few times, he had free reign to humiliate him. Opie fights to bring Roland back as the show booker, then thinks it's fine to humiliate him on the toilet. I'm sure there are many other examples of Opie shitting on people that owe him something.