So is Anthony pissed that Gavin is leaving his dying network platform? Or is the 5'5 Algerian still ok with him?

0  2017-07-26 by disawayisthrows


Never listened to Gavin's show. Seen very short clips here and there. Dude looks like a giant douche. I saw him interviewing the cringey ginger kid... riveting.

Is he really? Like Gavin or hate him, that's a significant blow to Compound Media

Hes not. Its a redfag rumor.

Oh well don't I look like a silly goose

The Gavin threads on TACN reddit seem to say he's all but confirmed it on his show.

Nobody goes to that shit subreddit.

There will be a very short window of 'we're totally cool.' Followed by a 'cmon guys, Gavin is alright.' Then Gavin will say something slightly challenging and the gloves will come off and they'll both shit talk eachother with abandon.

I want to sub because that Tunisian is a funny mother fucker but I don't want to hear his race rants or his right wing bs those who listen what is the percentage of the ranting and raving ?

At least Ant is funny between rants...have you listened to Nick Dip....ugh.

It would be a cataclysmic event if Gavin left I have no interest in watchin or listenin to Gavin but the guy has a very large, dedicated following.. look at his rebel media vids on YouTube .. 100's of thousands of views per video.. he has a boys club for closeted homo republicans with thousands of members..

That's why I don't

Gavin's fanbase is the only thing supporting Ant. Without him, Ant will have to resort to bashing Opie to get views again. The Greggshells video has half a million views. 2nd most viewed TACS video behind Nig Degrassi Tyson's appearance.

Gavin bought into it and owns part of the studio so I don't know why he'd leave.