Youngstown, Ohio = Shithole

0  2017-07-26 by crookedmile


Ohio = shithole

Tough but fair.

I live an hour away from Youngstown and it is indeed a shithole but Cleveland isn't that bad, the east side is terrible but other than that it's alright. I'm going to see the death grips on October 20th here in Cleveland and they aren't gonna be in NYC on this tour so take that Jew York

Fair enough. And I hear that Shaker Kikes is a nice area. Good schools, good bagels, but everyone from there seems to move to NYC or LA for some reason..

A lot of nigs have moved into shaker heights it's like 50% black now. Beachwood is where all the kikes live, if I recall correctly the population of Beachwood is 95% kikes.

Ah that explains it. The Heights got Harlemed.

Yep, the housing bubble popped and homes in shaker heights became affordable to anybody who had a job making like 13 bucks an hour so a bunch of nigs moved in an whites left. My part of the outskirts of Cleveland has been getting over run with Detroit niggers the last few years but they stay on their side of town.

It's hilarious because the city I grew up in had all the stores and everything and once all the Detroit and east side Cleveland nigs moved in all the stores moved to the white side of the city which is technically a different town. The now nig infested side wants to become one municipality but the white side said fuck no.

Hey, at least you still have the waterfront and the rock 'n roll hall of fame.

I've only driven through Cleveland a few times at least a decade ago, and spent one weekend there 5 years ago for a wedding, but it sort of struck me as the midwest's Baltimore--crumbling industry/harbor, history of racial tension, successive failed attempts to gentrify the iconic areas with eventually some mixed results but all the underlying problems still there. And white flight.

Cincinnati is more of our Baltimore. It has all of those things, besides the harbor, but to a much greater extent. But to be fair all of those problems exist in every Ohio city except Columbus.

Oh yeah, I forget about Cincy. I was there a few years ago and based on the accents I lumped it in with Kentucky even though I knew it was Ohio.

Thanks, I don't have it in me to watch these retarded pep rallies. He's done one solo press conference as president and a bunch of these debacles with his fans. I get that the press sucks and all, so why hide from them? If he's winning so hard, why not take them on substantively, and own them?

Breitbart was very big on Hillary dodging the press, too. But lately they're super into Charlie Gard, Tim Tebows single A baseball career, and Hillary Clintons bad poll numbers so I guess they're too busy to cover Trumps media avoidance.

I've been to Chicago a bunch and it is a bigger shithole than Youngstown.

Not at all. Having visited every major city in the US for work, Chicago is the cleanest city you can find in the US. Share your experience, I can take it down no problem.

Downtown Chicago and places like naperville are great but almost everywhere else is a fucking jungle. I almost always take the train into Chicago so I don't really travel out in the outer city much but it's putting up drug cartel like murder numbers.

Hahaha motherfucker, you're going from Naperville (rich) to Chicago (downtown rich) and that's the extent of your travel? And you think that is a fucking jungle? Jesus christ boy. Go to Garfield Park and see if you can last 2 minutes. You tourists crack me up, a bunch of pussies.

I said those parts of the city were great though and it was the outer city that was a jungle. Why would I go to a shitty part of the city if I don't have to? You have probably never been to Youngstown but you can confidently and accurately call it a shithole.

No. Youngstown is for fucking hobos. Chicago is great. What more do you want to know? In the end, shut the fuck up street rat.

Its interesting to see how white people habe their own niggers now. What a future.

Fair enough. And I hear that Shaker Kikes is a nice area. Good schools, good bagels, but everyone from there seems to move to NYC or LA for some reason..

Thanks, I don't have it in me to watch these retarded pep rallies. He's done one solo press conference as president and a bunch of these debacles with his fans. I get that the press sucks and all, so why hide from them? If he's winning so hard, why not take them on substantively, and own them?

I've been to Chicago a bunch and it is a bigger shithole than Youngstown.

Oh yeah, I forget about Cincy. I was there a few years ago and based on the accents I lumped it in with Kentucky even though I knew it was Ohio.