Opie fires a shot at Vos

122  2017-07-25 by hickorysmoked1


Screencap for the blocked: http://imgur.com/a/H94l7

This basically confirms Luis J. Gomez's suspicions: Opie helps people so he can be a condescending prick to them, and hopes they just sit on their hands and take it because they owe him their career, until they finally stop taking it and say fuck Opie. Suddenly Opie feels betrayed and angry.

when did luis say this?

Wrong guy. It's from when Luis and Mike Cannon were talking to Sam about the Paul meltdown.

He's more like Howard than we thought.

Well thing is, Howie has enough talent to fill a football field and doodie boy has enough talent to be hidden by a grain of sand.

Plus, Howard actually does help people's careers.

Howard's egotistical, but he does a lot for people on and off the air.

Remove Billy, Jackie, Garver, Artie, Benjy, SJ, KC, Scott, Gary, Howard TV, Howard 100 News... and how talented is Howard really?

Bring it down to the pairs : Howard/Robin v. Opie/Anthony. Which pair, on its own, has more talent?

I get the feeling Howard was just better at covering his lack of talent by exploiting a wider array of people, but he's since been exposed, hasn't he? Like Opie has. Stern's only genuine interest nowadays seems to be cock.

I'd say the Opie/Howard comparison, much like the Anthony/Artie one, is pretty spot-on, personally.

So Howard makes $90 million a year but those people that you claim are responsible for Howard's career can't even get a podcast off the ground, seems odd. Stuttering John, Kc, Scott & Gary were funny because Howard made fun of them & still does with Scott & Gary but none of those people were funny on their own. Just try listening to Stuttering Johns podcast if it still exists. Howard & Robin as par have way more talent for the simple reason that you can't count Opie as talent so that only leaves Anthony.

Nobody claimed Stuttering John was funny. He was just a guy who'd agree to get roughed up by bodyguards by asking offensive questions he didn't write to celebrities.

Ok fair point but Howard was still the one who came up with that whole concept. Do you think Opie & Anthony back in the day or anyone else for that matter would've utilized Stuttering John in the same entertaining way? Almost no one would be able to do anything with remotely interesting with him. Same goes for most of the people he has surrounding himself with through the years. People like beatlejuice seem like an obvious homerun but I guarantee most people wouldn't be able to do shit with him, if he was on O&A first they wouldn't have done nothing but made fun of him in an uncreative way, I could imagine Opie repeating "why is your head so small" over & over.

I'm agreeing with you. I think Howard made his own success for having his finger on the pulse of what people wanted for decades, had a good eye for talent and "talent", is a smart guy, etc. But I'm just saying outside of Artie nobody has ever said anybody involved with the show could hack it on their own. The show was always a sum of its parts deal.

I need more fibre in my diet. My shit today was black as night.

I'm going to be a middle of the road faggot and say you're both right. None of these people can make it without Howard, but Howard really came up during a sweet spot in entertainment where it was enough to just be vulgar and outrageous and that would be enough. South Park Season 1 shit, it doesn't take a lot of skill to do but he had the balls enough to do it and beyond that I don't think he has anything else going for him. I don't buy this shit about him being a great interviewer, I just think people are intimidated by his status and the room full of sycophants he surrounds himself with.

Howard changed the way people saw radio and opened the doors for more of it. He deserves a lot of credit in part for coming up with it and also for forcing it down uncooperative management's throat. And he's super-talented, and he was good at the style he invented.

But he's not the only one who is good at it, and (subjective) he's not the one who's most entertaining at it.

I doubt O&A could have had the kind of show (or career) they had at the outset if it weren't for Stern. I also think they were much more entertaining to me than Stern ever was, but especially since, by the time they came around NYC, he had dumped the lovable Everyman persona and had become everything he once mocked - prima donna celeb deserving of special treatment, before too long leaving his wife to date age-inappropriate women, etc.

Howard has a ton of talent, and there is no comparison to Opie. Howard, Cumia, Bennington - top 3 of all time talents with the worm creeping up on 4. Guys like Artie, Fez, really talented but they also left for years, and they drop on the list for that

I'm rolling the dice on this hot take but I think Bennington is better than all of them.


He's faster, smarter, more clever. No question.

I use to hate Howard, I got into him 6 months ago from you tube. All those other people you mentioned are great but the guy is def interesting and insightful and I am curious to hear him give his opinion. I never felt that ever with Opie. Robin is def terrible on all accounts and is pretty much the Opie of Stern's show.

Howard built all that, Opie thinks he built his show but he kind of just fell into it. How did Opie and Anthony never expand their brand? they never even had a proper web site. they were too self-admitted lazy. It's pretty amazing if you look at Howard and what he did from the time he was in college to now. Opie has breasts and a pop up show

I agree with all your points but why did you hate Howard, was it because of Opie & Anthony? I always liked both shows & never understood the point of picking sides about which radio show I allowed myself to enjoy.

Yeha it was def because of them. I had been an opie and ant fan since I was in high school and they were on wnew. I just grew up with thinking they knew everything about radio and that howard was an evil old man. I liked howard in middle school when private parts came out but because I was able to get the VHS and it had a lot of boobs in it. (not even that many boobs looking back)

I grew up with Stern but his treatment of O&A was super-hypocritical. Instead of caving, they play along and fight back (by oooh noo, debuting a song the day before Stern was supposed to get it), and Stern pulls the same weak bullshit he'd always accused his foes of doing - whining to management behind the scenes, forcing gag orders, etc. Stern's why O&A weren't on K-Rock in afternoon drive, or on WNEW in the morning. They'd have preferred either of those to WNEW afternoons.

Any recommended stern clips for someone who had never listened? I tried to get into him a few months ago but celebrity interviews make me sick and those were the majority of the clips I saw.

howard has made me laugh really hard from telling stories of his life. A lot of self-depricating stories of growing up an awkward loser or his early days in radio were some of the hardest I ever laughed. That's why I hated so much when he became "Hollywood Howie". But the point is, Opie could never make people laugh hard just by telling stories from his life. He doesn't have that talent. Any laughs you could possibly attribute to Opie was because of some kind of stunt.

You make a fair point, Opie is more mentally ill than talented... but my own point is that at the end of the day, what constitutes "talent"? Howard is more intelligent and manipulative, certainly, but how often has he been genuinely funny on his own? I'm not saying it never happened, only that when you peel the layers around both Howard and Opie away... you're left with a master lying manipulator and an autist with no self-awareness. Equally entertaining in an ensemble cast, but alone? I still have a hard time preferring one over the other. Left to his own devices, Howard would give us cock 24/7 and everyone here knows it, deep down. ;)

Bill Burr podcast style--Howard could do an hour podcast a week by himself no problem and be compelling. Could Opie do an hour podcast all by himself? Even one time?

Howard could not do a one-hour podcast on his own. He's admitted it himself. Without Robin, he's Opie.

"How much do you think you're worth?" "How good did it feel to quit that job?" "How big is your penis?"

How many times can you hear the same questions over 20 years? It's like watching the same Ric Flair match over and over again.

No professional comedians are paid to shut up and pass notes to Opie so Opie can come across as the wittiest guy in the room, like Buchwald taught Howard to do.

Also, Howard could not do a one-hour podcast on his own. He's admitted it himself. Without Robin, he's basically Opie. If you won't believe Howard himself on the subject, dunno what else you need.

Also... this :

"How much do you think you're worth?"

"Did you cheat on your wife on-set like I did?"

"How big is your penis?"

How many times can you hear the same questions over 20 years? It's like watching the same Ric Flair match over and over again.

And any laughs you can attribute to Howard was because his writers wrote that sh#t. No one is "passing post-its" to Opie.

It's amazing how brainwashed Howard's remaining fans are.

And any laughs you can attribute to Howard was because his writers wrote that sh#t. No professional comedians are paid to shut up and pass notes to Opie so Opie can come across as the wittiest guy in the room.

It's amazing how effective Howard's con job has been. Also, he's been so cock-obsessed since Marci Turk told him to embrace his inner Queen that most heteros I know bailed on the show simply based on the excessive cock content.

Seems based on the responses that more of you people are into cock than I thought. More power to you.

But penis-envy and talent are 2 different things in my book. And penis-envy is all Howard has been about since 2015.

Except that on Opie's side, no professional comedians are paid to shut up and pass notes to him so Opie can come across as the wittiest guy in the room, like Buchwald taught Howard to do.

Also... this :

"How much are you worth? Let me put a monetary value on your life because it's what (((we))) do."

"Did you cheat on your wife on-set like I did?"

"How big is your penis?"

How many times can you hear the same questions over 20 years? It's like watching the same Ric Flair match over and over again.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Howard is a fantastic interviewer

This! Some of his bits with the whack pack, and him trying to be funny aren't that great, but fuck, he is an amazing interviewer. The shit he drags out of people.

You need to listen to more interviewers.

Howard is the greatest interviewer I've ever listened too, Rob B is close. He also basically invented the shock jock thing and awesome bits. Fred is also a genius and without Fred, Howard may never have been as big as he got.

You need to listen to more interviewers. Both Opie and Howard suck at it.

"How much do you think you're worth?" "How good did it feel to quit that job?" "How big is your penis?"

Howard's interviews in a nutshell. It's like watching the same Ric Flair match over and over again. It might be a decent match, but it's the same one over and over again.

You need to listen to a wider range of interviewers, because both Howard and Opie suck at it.

"How much are you worth? Let me put a monetary value on your life because it's what (((we))) do."

"Did you cheat on your wife on-set like I did?"

"How big is your penis?"

How many times can you hear the same questions over 20 years? It's like watching the same Ric Flair match over and over again.

I've listened to hundreds of howard interviews and they are almost always great. I will agree tho that without fred the show probably would have never been as good.

I never liked Howard much, but you seriously can't get to his level by relying on other people.

You can get to Opie level, which is pretty nice honestly, but not Howard level.

So in your opinion, everyone that's made more money is more talented? Nothing else could play into people's success in life but talent, huh?

Yeah, no.

You're a simpleton. I never even referenced money.

So he's more talented because he's on a certain level? Nothing other than his pure talent could account for that? Does that make Donald Trump the most presidential man for the job, or did other factors play into his wins? No offense, but you're kind of a simpleton.

Delete as many comments as you like, you're still going to struggle to reach an idea of your own for once.

Someone got under your skin, eh?

The genius of Howard Stern was that he always paid everyone out of his share.

Everyone in that studio are Howard's employees; they all understand that if Howard loses his gig, they lose their gigs too.

And that's why Howard's staff does all the heavy lifting.

Howard is a naturally funny guy though who can (maybe not anymore though idk) ramble on about shit and make it interesting. People were fans of him (including Artie) way before he had an array of people around him.

These are the rantings of a lunatic person.

If you see rantings, you may need to up your SSRI's. All I see is a shared opinion.

https://youtu.be/ADVMi4Gp7tM Howard vs a woman who thinks OJ was innocent. Better than anything opies done in his career. Stern only sucks now because he's old and so dissconected from the world he lives in.

Video linked by /u/nstricker44:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Howard Stern vs "OJ is innocent" caller... The Broadcast Archives 2017-01-14 0:19:49 202+ (89%) 29,639

$quote Howard Stern mocks and destroys a caller who thinks OJ is...

Info | /u/nstricker44 can delete | v1.1.3b

Howard is pretty loyal to people who work for him, half of his staff couldn't get hired anywhere before him & now they've had a long career & are wealthy because of him. Just look at baba booey. As far as Artie & Jackie go, those two made their own bed and now cry about the fact they fucked up & blame all of their life's mistakes on Howard.

As far as Artie & Jackie go, those two made their own bed and now cry about the fact they fucked up & blame all of their life's mistakes on Howard.

It doesn't seem to me that Artie blames Howard for his fuckups. He seems to own up to the fact that he was basically a junkie on the largest radio show in the world, and doesn't blame Howard for dropping him.

He's basically using the same logic Howard worshippers use to combat Artie's recent tirades which are 100% accurate. Howard blows now. Just as bad as Opie.

One big difference, Howard is still on the air and is an actual celebrity.

Opie helps people so he can be a condescending prick to them, and hopes they just sit on their hands and take it because they owe him their career,

Because it's all he has. He's not quickwitted or funny. He has, had, some clout with XM executives, but not really even that much.

"A career opportunity"? Does he mean Opie in the Afternoons? Because none of the 2400 daily listeners to Opie's afternoon show knew who Vos was?

Or does he mean O&A, where Jimmy pushed them to have him on and he did free radio for over a decade?

Fuck I hate this fat titted faggot. Opie is, and always was, the hole. On air and off the air.

I bet Opie thought of himself as the shrewd intelligent behind-the-scenes guy who made everything work. His ship-steerer comment gave a glimpse into the delusion, but it goes so much deeper. I really think it rubbed off on Jimmy and his sweet baby head is still wrestling with the brainwashing that he would be nowhere without Opie, a lie Opie no doubt at least tried to convince everyone of.

Fucking classic narcissist. Ok I sound like a Reddit psychobabble fag, but it might be true.

His behavior confirms one of two things:
1.) His mother actually was a manipulative sociopath and it runs in the family; or
2.) He projected all of his mentally ill tendencies onto his mother

Either way, Gregg should kill himself.

I thiought was about Sam or Erock

It could be. I only said Vos because he's the latest to step on those gregshells

it's about all and none of them. he doesn't know. he thinks everyone owes him everything and everyone's constantly betraying him.

Or that Paul guy.

Through your tears...

maybe not paying a certain "friend" to come in and do the show for months while others are, then to not even go to "friends" roast after being invited, gets people put on the fuck opie train

The gifs his ballwashers post in the comments make me want to drown my firstborn.

For your sanity's sake you have to believe they're fucking with him for kicks.

Sidenote: I remembered another example of a guy who would make a believable real Opie fan (which I can't imagine there are more than 30 or 40 of) - the driver from the Chip worldstar video. He seems like a male Lady Di. Come to think of it, Lady Di's blood-vomiting boyfriend would make another good one. "Dohh I dunno, I'm..just...living with herrr because....uhh I donno, she's...uhhhhh..."

Do it ! C'mon! Kull meee!!!

If only Opie had a, uh, "friend" to smack some sense into him right now. Even a year ago that might have been Vos or Bob Kelly, but they're both furious. This implosion is 1000x more pathetic and embarrassing than Ant's multiple examples

At least at this point when Ant got fired, he had already drunkenly announced his show and made a trailer as Keith scrambled to figure it out. He was doing interviews. Opie still wants to be catered to and is clearly shell-shocked.

At least with Ants implosion he was getting hammered, singing karaoke, hanging a butch of his goons & misfits in his basement playing poker, biting hands, banging trannies, losing his gun & having an all around good time. But Opie is just a friendless lonely guy on a beach lashing out on social media & the only people who notice or care is this sub who hates him.

Leave it to Opie to make Ants pathetic karaoke nights something to strive for

Yea I remember during that period looking at Ant like he was the biggest douchebag disappointment in the history of entertainment but now with this Opie thing, I look back at Ant like he was just some crazy kid on spring break threatening to doxx various members of this subreddit.

I would be ok living in a huge house singing karaoke in a bar in my basement :o

hanging with a butch

Come on now, Jimmy's a good kid.

I've never understood Opie "logic." Sure, I could appreciate you for giving someone a job, but when you degrade and fuck with those same people, they're gonna build up resentment. And then to throw it in their face and say "but I got you this job!" is fucking disgraceful. Where's your dig-na-ty? How about you don't burn every bridge? How about you have some respect for others? Lame shit-dick cuckold.

Having "discovered" people who made his show good, and are currently succeeding, is the only positive he can say about himself, so naturally he applies orders of magnitude to the significance of it. He's a 0 out of 100 in every other thing he's done in his career. Being funny, being interesting, being entertaining. 0, 0, and 0. That one thing is all he has.

It reminds me of his misplaced sense of ownership over a videos content. He believes if he tapes something wonderful, then he believes he is the source or cause of it. Hes a fag with a camera with no contributive element; hes a leech of a man.

Opie's the shipsteerer sir!

Wasn't that a shot at Erock?

This is aboot Paul you homos

I gotta admit, that Opie tweet made me laugh. The end is nigh

Ugh he deserves all the hate he gets. Fat titted fucktard

It feels like the gloves are about to come off on both sides. My peckah is getting FAWWKIN yuge.

I think this was more a shot at E-rock

The guy was asking for Opie to do the same thing he did for E-rock...

Vos is probably the least successful talented comedian his age. Thanks for everything Opie.

He's slamming Paul not Vos, dumbass

Opie = Howard without the keen business sense.

or the talent.

and the kittens.

And the Robin

According to Opie, he gives people everything and they hate him for no reason. Everyone he meets comes to the same irrational conclusion.

"giving you a huge career opportunity".

wow, he's so generous as a producer for Rich & Bonnie's movie. Just like all the banks are so generous with their money when they loan it out. Not like they're expecting a return on their investment, they're just giving people a huge opportunity.

How is this a shot at Vos though? I thought it was more of a shot at Sam...

The party was a literal party. Opie isn't good enough wit da words to use it as a euphemism. This is Erock.

I thought it was anyone who had worked with Opie in the past twenty years.

hey, it's Vohhhhhhhrrrss

Pretty sure it was about Paul

I'm not balls deep with the hate like most of you but god damn does the victim mentality annoy the fuck out of me.

So, is he saying because he produced his documentary 4 years ago, he can't promotes his gigs on radio shows he's feuding with ever?

The people egging him on is a work. I am sure of it now.

How is this about Vos in any capacity? He wasn't even at the party.

He really is a delusional ass, and I thought it was Jimmy who brought in comics like Vos, Bobby, Louie, etc, yet tits constantly brags about it and holds it over ppls heads.

Cum shot..

How is this a shot at vos?

Not Vos. This is for Erock.

Poor Mark Robertson was earnestly looking for a job here.

This is like an Adam Sandler movie where a teenage girl occupies a 60 year old mans body.

Vos will never have a successful career why don't people understand this??

There are at least three people I'd think the reference was to before Vos.

For a guy who claims to not listen and not pay attention to anything anyone says, he sure seems to know every word that's said about him.

Isnt that a shot at Sammy BRANDMUFFINSON?

Every good comedian guest they ever had on regularly can be attributed to Jimmy's involvement on the show. Every single one. Opie is acting as if he were doing them all favors for 15 years. He was able to sneak by for a very long time because he surrounded himself with superior talent. It's no wonder he fizzled out in under a year when he had to fend for himself.

In Opies defense Rich was a struggling middle when he first got on the show. Pn second thought, the show didnt do shit for him.

or the talent.

Delete as many comments as you like, you're still going to struggle to reach an idea of your own for once.