A.V. Club employs faggots 1/30

26  2017-07-25 by Every1ShouldBKilled


this ass needs to style his text better

A.V. Club more like No Fun Bub amirite gang?

The 4channers were babies when South Park debuted. This is like saying somebody born in 1992 must be a big Simpsons fan. From what I remember the South Park audience demos had the audience at an age where they'd have been in middle or high school when the show debuted for the most part.

We were a lot older. I was 18. You were 11ish.

you two must have been such a cute couple.


get a room you two

I thought Jonathan Swift invented trolling when he wrote that book about eating babies.


You can tell he's one of those people who're upset by any racial humor no matter how light. The ones who could and will never be able to wrap their heads around how there are any differences whatsoever between a Jim Norton and an Anthony Cumia. Aside from that I don't think he's terribly far off the mark when it comes to discussing humor.

Then there's his main point. The shit that's going on now wasn't taught. It was always there, for millions of years. It just needed the internet to come completely to the surface.

He tolerates racial humor as long as it was said by a minority or a someone who was "speaking truth to power".

only comedy that punches upward into his colon

You're just another apparatus for systemic, hegemonic whiteness.

AV club is infected. It's a huff-po, Buzzfeed, Gawker-tier ideological outlet purporting to be just another with it review site. They don't get nearly enough shit as they deserve. It's no surprise that the style of humor from 'the onion' types has taken a parallel self satisfied SJW trajectory as those from Something Awful.

The title is a little homophobic, but I'll subscribe to this series

I hypothesize Che Guevaras face on t shirts created a generation of faggots. Anything can be connected to anything by someone with an agenda.

I remember internet chat rooms before South Park premiered. The internet has always been full of trolls. Nothing would be significantly different if South Park never existed.

"Exestential crisis inducing" Oh shut the fuck up.

They only have 30 employees?

fair number

I bet this faggot would never write an article about how Hip hop has negatively impacted the culture. The most violent, sexist, homophobic form of music in history. And an entire generation that grew up on it.

It's also very symbolic how liberals are the ones who hate South Park now. When it started it was Conservatives that hated South Park and the Simpsons.