New Pop up show. Opie Operson and The mad cuban check out a flea market.

9  2017-07-25 by SirWallaceII


Aww, Opetta loves her Uncle Carl.


I'll bet Sam would love it if he had that Undertaker belt buckle. He's already got plenty of dolls though so I doubt he would want another one.

Really took in every pixel of that picture, didn't ya?

This guy makes Brother Joe, even in his "Broke Edge" cosplay outfit, look like a badass.

Opies turning into his mom more every day

Can someone explain why Opie has decided to hitch his wagon to the owner of a failing deli who is quite possibly the least entertaining person on the planet? Carl Ruiz is an overbearing cunt -- he's not at all interesting or intelligent, yet he's the one person Opie has ever been loyal to. Why?

Because he's the same as Opie.

this guy put on so much gear to hide that fact that he likes cocks

That nickname "The Cuban" really irritates me. You know you're a boring idiot if the only memorable quality about you is what country your parents fucked in.

Even worse is that he calls himself the "mad" Cuban. Watch out everyone, the mad Cuban is on the loose!

The Cuban refers to the type of dick he wishes that cigar was.

Even worse is that he calls himself the "mad" Cuban. Watch out everyone, the mad Cuban is on the loose!