Comedy died a little more that day

9  2017-07-25 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


"sitting on a cock cause I'm gay"



This shit was infuriating. If that studio went up in flames right after filming, the comedy world would have lost nothing.

Their reaction was enraging, but I would have certainly enjoyed a bombing set like that. It's also all I hear when with that song now. I'm gay.

Seinfeld saying "thats so funny" without cracking a smile, like he is this authority on funny, that he can recognize funny without even being humored by it, never fails the make me hate the man.

The dumb fuck thinks people wanna hear "the hits" when they go to a comedy club, he's completely out of touch.

"What's the deal with comedy!?"

but Seinfeld is like a virtuoso, more than just a famous guy who does everyday observations

That's also what I do anytime I'm with a girl and she tells me a story that's "so funny."

Hahaha me and my friend Jess got so drunk last night we started dancing on the tables in the bar, hahaha it was HILARIOUS

Yeah? Do ya? Really?

Also note, Ricky Gervais produced this. So he inserted himself with two of the biggest comedians of all time, and the guy who at the time was the most popular comedian in the world, and was releasing edgy specials that changed stand-up. As if he had the clout to be mentioned in the same sentence with those three guys.

Not only that, he had the nerve to interview Larry David and Garry Shandling like his own equals and offer to them his own nuanced comments on their own respective comedy styles. Fucking brit stole David Brent's character from Hank Kingsley.

Well, The Office did change the modern sitcom. Its been remade for many different languages and cultures. After The Office came to the US most sitcoms switched to a single camera shoot as opposed to a 3 camera and everyone wanted to make mockumentaries. Plus David Brent is one of the most iconic cringe humor characters of all time.

As annoying as Gervais can be sometimes, many people would say The Office is up there with Seinfeld for all-time greatest TV shows.

The best part is when Gervais goes for a high five after "Sittin on a cock cuz I'm gay" and gets left hanging.

Ricky Gervais is one of the worst things about comedy currently.

I liked his Golden Globe presenting job, that's about it. Gervais has the perfect personality to become famous but his pet monkey Karl Pilkington is way more naturally funny IMO.

I think the end of the AIDS epidemic has hurt O&A comics a lot

All I remember from this is Louis seeing an open mic guy do the song "sitting on a cock cause im gay" and it has made me laugh for years now

Fuck Seinfeld, the motherfucker made one goddamned show and suddenly he's the president of comedy

Can't mention comedy dying without posting this gem.

Pretentious comedians are infuriating. It's too bad all of them are like this.

If given the platform, Jim Norton would do a fucking TED talk style speech about the "art of crafting a joke." He'd wear a fucking black button down and dark jeans and hopefully it would end with someone in the audience whipping a battery at him.

I still like this special. Ricky Gevais gets in the way too often, and isn't a proper comic. And Chris Rock gets cut off/ignored too many times. But I still like it, and good on HBO for leaving it on YouTube since it first came out and got pirated instantly.

I don't think seinfeld thinks he is the authority on comedy. I think he's more an autistic sociopath. He a very odd man.

Seinfeld is a funny guy. He's absolutely on the spectrum though.

Seinfeld is overrated as a stand up