Opie is Chip (Video Compilation)

127  2017-07-25 by BoDi_Falcone


Chip titterson. Dvv dvv

The second clip is Jim making fun of Anthony (I think) but I support its inclusion.

No he was talking about Opie. Anthony didn't look around for approval after he repeated punchlines, that was Opie. That was why Sam so uncomfortably diddled his phone was Anthony was laughing his ass off

Maybe? I really can't tell for sure.

I want it to be true, but it was always ant that would repeat the other guys punchline while laughing

I don't know who exactly that was about, but Ant repeated guests comments and punchlines out of appreciation or for lack of a better response, it was one of his more annoying qualities but he didn't try to claim them as his own because he had nothing better(or at all ever) like opie did, also that clip was nothing compRed to "zoo crew idiot" and the "hold ons" done exactly as opie as chip

Yeah ant would laugh and repeat, but the Opster would always flat out steal jokes and repeat them looking for the laugh.

Then notice right after they throw the punchline theft joke out there they segue right into "so how are things over at Sirius?". It's an obvious jab at the Opster.

Don't think so. Antwan brought up chip stealing jokes then Jimmy hit back with what kind of idiot repeats a punchline. That was a non Opie related back and forth

I think you are correct, Ant talked about his"radio crutches" a few different times, saying "apparently" and repeating punchlines are two things he brought up and Jim nailed him on. Once I heard Ant admit he repeats funny stuff I hear it all the time when listening to reruns. Opie def was the one looking around the room for approval but Ant was the repeater.


You can tell.... Hold on, hold on, hold on... you can tell by Ant's reaction that he knows who he's spoofing most of the time.

one more time sir, your keyboard is crapping out i think

You can tell.... Hold on, hold on, hold on... you can tell by Ant's reaction that he knows who he's spoofing most of the time.

one more time sir, your keyboard is crapping out I think

"Chip's Oral Servitude"

I miss O&A :(

That 'words hurt' clip is fantastic. Didn't Ope make t shirt from that quote?

Yeah "WORDS HURT..........if your a pussy." So yeah Tittyboy is a pussy, I guess.

Who the fuck would walk around with that on a T-shirt? Opie really is stupid

True. It actually implies "I'm insecure and going to pretend words don't hurt". If he was at all enlightened he would care about his close friends and family but that takes good parenting or in my case 11 yrs of depression and self analysis.

I...uhhh....I walked around with that T-shirt senior year of high school and freshman year of college.

I also have a Chip T-shirt.

I'm also a massive faggot.

This shit is hilarious

I had to turn it off after bobby informed tittyboy that he does in fact have titties. he makes it so fucking uncomfortable

I'm glad his life sucks

Oh god fuck off with this shit chip is every douche bag who thinks they're funny going for an easy "joke".

Opie isn't relevant enough to have his own jim character

I've always hated it too, and I don't think it was originally based on him, but there are some serious moments in this where he "opie chip", and it is not very good natured, and whether it was preplanned or not he definitely had bashing opie in his head as chip some of the time

I'm actually the one that first found that clip where Jim calls Opie Chip. Sniff Don't even get the fawwwkin credit by this guy

I love this. My distaste for Opie has grown so immense that I now have trouble listening to old O&A because all I do is focus on my hatred for Opie.

welcome to my world.

Jim is a little backstabbing c*nt, i hope him and anthony finally pick out a pair of dresses and wigs and give eachother aids.

0:20 Patrice got it. So did Opie (deep down.)

@1:09 "what kind of idiot would repeat a punchline after somebody just did it...what kind of idiot?" Since that's Klingon alien head receding afro nigger Sam's entire bit to repeat and explain shit seconds after it's just been spoken, it's no wonder he keeps his big extraterrestrial slag heap head down while that is being said. That far more describes sam than Opie, in my opinion, but then again sam is Opie.

He's not Opie. Chip takes the worst traits of humans and comics. It's just natural that he would resemble Opie.

The Patrice clip is so awkward. You can feel that Opie has always been the odd guy out. Like they all have inside jokes about him.

Holy fuck, when tits asks to be someone cooler than "opie"....Jimmy hits him with the "ok, you're Chip" -

That fucking fat breasted oaf goes from chatty, to fading out into a shameful quiet real quick.

He has been since Lil Chippy D is in the mafia. The Opster did a lil coke.

this is the kind of autistic work woth living for.

What kind of dope would repeat a punchline after someone else just said it

Ant got called out by a caller for doing that and admitted it as a crutch of his

Chip is Opie and a lot of other things, including at times even this sub (e.g. Chip trashing Jim for the lack of cartoons). Jim obviously just funnels all the shit that annoys him into Chip.

Wazzat killed me.

Jesus fucking christ the microchip news piece fucked me up. i cant stop laughing