Sam Roberts the Scout

32  2017-07-25 by BubbRubbandLilSis


That was back when he liked wrestling for the entertainment. Now he just likes to watch sweaty men parading around in speedos and baby oil.

wow, he really needed HGH injections. cant believe Sam is 17 here

I hope his scout master raped him daily.

How could he not? Look at that little cock-tease, twinky bitch.

No one would hold it against him that's for sure. Sam probably went home with bloody underpants everyday and his mom just smiled, gave him some chicken nuggets and said "Sam you and the other scouts have to stop rough housing so much, you come home bow legged and walking so stiffly all the time." Sam tried to tell her but she just blithely ignored him and stored away the stained underwear in Tupperware.

It's almost like you were there. Are you sure you aren't Sammy Branmuffins' sister?

tasty little treat there. love that neckerchief

I know, right? Those pants are really loose around the legs.

Shhhhuuurrrrreeee, come'ere lil Sammy and get yer kiss tha spitting snake badge.

Kermit the frog in the background


(Clotheslines Sam)

"You alright, Sam? I don't give a fuck, actually."

"I'm getting blackout drunk, and you are leaving me alone."

Is this fruit wearing his mother's jeans?

Product of the times, brotherman. I, unfortunately, had several pairs in the 90's.

You must have a huge waist. My jeans are in the 30's.

Not back then, I didn't. Waifish lil' fella with bleached mom jeans, no belt, and a tucked-in blousy t-shirt. Basically Opie in looks, come to think of it.

You know you're a child of the 90's when...

That car is a piece of shit. No way he won with that thing.

It isn't even that bad out of the box as a blank kit.

It could be the best soapbox derby car this side of the Pecos and it would still be an embarrassing piece of shit because Sam wrong the name of a fucking wrestler on it.

I really hate him and his obsession.

Let me guess, Diesel is the name of a wrestler.

It's Kevin Nash's old name back when he was partners with Tony Montana.

...the guy form scarface?

Razor Ramon/Scott Hall. Basically, a Tony Montana imitation.

We know you know stupid

It's the name of his favorite porn star.

Gay porn star


What a little queer. I would have molested him.

That'll show him

What the fuck lol

i wish i could've bullied him.

That is the face of a kid who was molested by an older man

He was in scouts all those kids were molested regardless of attractiveness.

Oh no, he was always that ugly

Already trying to hide his balding head.

The following year Sam proudly debuted the Goldust pinewood derby car.

This kid weighs 60 pounds dripping wet but still believes he can be a professional wrestler when he grows up.

Some dreams should not be encouraged.

Was this before or after the HGH treatment...

He doesn't look like a nigger yet. Huh.

"Lil' Samy was extra good at soddermee so he earned two badges instead one. I was about to pin them to his bottom until that nosy Scoutmaster yelled at me. Said I had no business there since none of the boys was actually my nephews."

So when exactly did the cromagnon transition take place? One can only assume during the era of puberty inducing HGH injections.

Please post more photos of him, Mrs. Roberts

Scout master Harrghis

My mom has those jeans.


"Daddy I wike to see da big mans westling" Sam Roberts, age 14


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If he only he earned his cooking badge, he could avoid the stomach cancer from the chicken nugget diet.

jew scouts

I'm surprised he didn't name it the Goldust.

That'll show him

What the fuck lol

i wish i could've bullied him.