Sam Roberts hates to be compared to Art Garfunkel, I don't see why?

38  2017-07-25 by ricswrangler


Mr. Garfunkel is by far more attractive. Sam has very chimp-like features and dead eyes.

That's what happens when you spend 95% of your life staring at gay wrestling matches on tv

Or does he enjoy wrestling because of his lack of a soul? 🤔

You can just say "wrestling matches"

'Artless Garfunkel'

Fart Tar-uncle

Sam said he sees Garfunkel as a confident guy with sex appeal.

That's not delusional rationalising, everyone sees Garfunkel as a sex god

Does this make East Side Dave, Paul Simon?

More like bore Simon

Mr. Garfunkle has a voice like an angel. Mr. Roberts has a voice like a table saw.

he's got a voice like a lark!

I'm sure Paul Simon hates being compared to Sam Roberts

I mean I see his point. The style of receding hairlines are complete opposites.

At least Garfunkel was part of something successful. Sam Robert just licked Opie's balls REAL HARD and then swapped up and now licks Jim's asshole for cash, but their show is fucking terrible. Seriously terrible.

He actually ass fucked every one of his mentor, scorch dopie and Jim will be next, not a good person

Well Jim loves to get butt fucked but Sam will never have the clout to fuck Jim over.

Bet you would say he can't fuck dopie over two years ago

I would say Jim was the catalyst to taking Opie's morning show not Sam.

It doesn't matter how but he will fuck over Jim

If Sam tries to fuck Jim over I'll put my money on Norton winning that battle.

Sam already fucked over three retards if he ever fuck over Jim he will be saying shit like "my coworker was a cunt lol" like he does now, Jim is a bigger bitch than dopie

Unlike Opie, Jim has talent, a big fan base and friends in industry that will have his back.

He only got those because he was on ona

Sorry buddy but Jim had talent before O&A and that his why he was given the job on the show.

Nah he was that hack dices bitch before ona, dopie have him millions

People like Florentine didn't get the blessing and had to get a loan to pay for his 20k divorce

Yeah Opie gave him millions out the kindness of his heart GTFOH

You guys are all fags.

Go suck your mudahs peckha you fucking faggot!

How did you type that with so many dicks in your mouth? Impressive, for a queer.

I wish Sam would live The Sound of Silence

And Lord Vigo's twink in Ghostbusters II.

Sam's face is beginning to look like the bad guy from Last Action Hero

50 ways to leave your brotherman

Jesus, sam is an ape.

does he?

Art Garfunkel had movie star good looks in his day and now even as an old man with cancer he is still far better looking than Sam.



He doesn't even have to shave it yet, just buzz it short. Eat some broccoli, you fucking mongoloid


Other than their hair texture and forehead (and Aryan characteristics), they really don't look or sound alike.

they really don't look or sound alike

No one ever said they sounded alike. Garfunkel sounds beautiful.

They said "compared to", which, unless specified otherwise, can include sound. The fact that he sounds nothing like him is even more reason to be frustrated at the comparison.

I've actually seen Simon and Garfunkel in concert, on the "Old Friends" tour in 2004 at the Hollywood Bowl. It was an incredible night of beautiful music, one of the best shows I've ever seen. (And I've seen them all). The fact that Sam Roberts is compared to Art Garfunkel is a crime. One is a treasure to the American musical fabric, crafting timeless songs that will last generations. The other is a fan of fake wrestling who only eats chicken fingers in ranch dressing. And he actually manages to be uglier than the actual talented one. I await his death with baited breath

Well Jim loves to get butt fucked but Sam will never have the clout to fuck Jim over.

They said "compared to", which, unless specified otherwise, can include sound. The fact that he sounds nothing like him is even more reason to be frustrated at the comparison.