When another $750 Venmo payment goes through

68  2017-07-24 by unclepaul84


He plunged the business end of that thing in Vic Henley's ass while Opie stood there saying "just a little taste" over and over until he lit it.

Oh ffs I iust cracked one off. Why'd ya have to make it so hot sounding?

Who photoshopped out the opposite end of that brown man's peckha?

Fidel Gastrointestinal cancer


I enjoyed it.

I just saw this Bobo on the food channel. He's certified retarded.He said he didn't know he was living in the USA till he was 10.WTF.......??????

To be fair his parents don't speak English and most Americans are fucking stupid too. Skip the Pledge and the Olympics and who the fuck cares where they are? Where I live something like 20% of kindergarten students don't know their names because their white trash relatives call them Sissy and Bubby.

My names Bubba, and this is my bubba his names Bobby-Jo

This falls into Adam Carolla's category of stupid or liar? Pick one, cackling fatmin.

Opie really should be saving that money.

straight simp'n

That kinda talent ain't free pal

I want him to succeed in comedy so he can trash Opie at some point later.

Like this angle....long-game.

So is this putts Jewish, Latino, or what?

He got a 23 and me done. Hes 100% ugly faggot

this makes me like The "Mad Cuban"

Che Guacvera

Is it me.. or is this fagola enjoyin that cigar a lil too much

Its not overly typical to wrap your lips around a premium cigar

Its not typical to wrap your lips around a cigar like that

Very 'meme-able' image:

'When you have a pair of tits, and raise a skateboarder's kids.'

'When you get fired for filming a man shitting, and are reduced to filming a fat immigrant eating sushi.'


Those lips throttling the soggiest cigar of all time

I don't hate on Carl. For several reasons.

First, yeah he's a chef. They make for ok radio every once in a while but not every day. It's Opie's fault for bringing him in constantly. I don't blame the guy for taking easy money.

Second, he's not supposed to be funny. He's just supposed to make good food and I haven't heard too many complain about his. Maybe he sucks but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Third, it's hate because he's close with Opie. If he were on DiPaolo or Dr. Steve's show he'd probably get a lot of love. Again, I don't blame him for going for the easy money.

Finally, it's not like the Stangles. He's not trying to attempt to be anything more than just a fucking chef.

He was definitely overexposed. The only thing I have against him is his laughing at everything Opie said.

Simp'n aint easy