This Girl I'm Talking To Turned Out To Be Retarded

228  2017-07-24 by HorsesAgain


Great job, I'm sure she'll suck your whole dick

she'll suck MY dick OP stole this from me

Why r u doing this

it's funny to me. haha jokes on you i was just pretending to be a needy faggot. I'm just happy to have made people laugh idc that horses has to resort to stealing my material

Alright, chill man

Thats a very loose definition of "material"

What are you talking about? This is my pic. You know it's me because I"m famous for always having a low battery.

if she sends nudes, post em

she called me an idiot and stopped replying

Pretty sure it was horses that did this not u

not it was me :( i swear

he owes you, TD

Stop trying to steal OP's bit. Are you just jealous that you didn't think of it first?

this fuck schumered horses bit

Is that Sue Lightning

Lol jokes on her right?

I loffed. Good for OP, entertaining his niggas here on the sub instead of caring about a dime-a-dozen twat getting her pussy filled.


Doubt. There's no cum on the screenshot

good point. but the battery is low. I'm famous for that

I'm famous

Are ya?

This dope thinks a screenshot is a picture of the actual screen.

Suspend disbelief for a little yuma, you smegma waterfountain.

you're loiying.

Even if this were yours originally, you've negated ownership by being a faggot hyperly responding to tell everyone about it.

So you weren't a fan of what Rogan did to Mencia?

Oh shit

Go fuck your mother.

if i had one I would

hoo hoo

obviously that's not you, how could it be you when it's posted right here by another user?

Shame on you for stealing valor, I'm going to upvote this post by an upstanding redditor to make sure it gets the appreciation it deserves.


It was worth it but charge your phone man.

is there a defined word or phrase for the strange yet prevalent occurrences of screenshots taken with an extremely small amount of battery left?


it was my phone not OPs


I'm not lying!

She's DTF

Shaved or unshaved?

Does she have evolution toe?

She didn't flinch at the blacks comment. She's a keeper.

it was MY joke OP is a THIEF

Noticed that too. Although she probably just didnt get the joke.

A good egg, if you will.

yup, shes the autistic one.

It's like, she doesn't even get us man

The show has clearly passed her by.

The poor bitch

I'm the autistic one not OP he stole my screenshot

I mean, I do this in person so people know it's a joke...

Tsst.. I bet her last name is Barbera or sumpthin..

Tranny Surprise Subscriber.

Does she not know you're just beein cute?

G'on now

Chippin on tinder? Genius!


Op is definitely a genius!

Just download Grindr like the rest of us and stop wasting your time and lying to yourself.

No I'm afriad I'll get noticed like Jim Norton



Horses loving the new OC bro keep em coming!

no stinks horses didn't make this

Her saying "What does 'tss' mean" made me laugh out loud.

i was also amused when she sent ME that

Yes she is clearly retarded. Doesn't she know who Chip Chipperson is for fucks sake?

Do any of you niggers know how to charge a cell phone?

i was right next to a charger

Should have stuck a fork in it.

She doesn't understand good yumah!

Good job, they usually delete me when we match before I get the chance to say anything. Fucking cunts, I don't understand the world anymore.

You fucked up a good thing there you insecure little cuck.

instead of fishing for attention on here, maybe just be normal and fuck her you queer.

No I think it was a much better idea to post his private conversation with a bunch of guys he will never meet in person.

I bet those titties ain't retarded

Hanna? Whats yer last name? MONTANA!?! Fuckin got you BITCH!


Best thing about this post is finding out what a monumental faggot thomas_daly is because he outted himself. Very desperate and needy. Sad.

This post reads like a Trump tweet.

Autistic guy tries to pick up chicks with references they'll never in their lifetime be able to understand. He gets rejected. Many such cases.

look if youre only finding that out now you haven't paid attention.

The level of self deprecation you'd need to undo this thread would basically be committing suicide on live stream.

I'm not saying you should do that though.

You should commit suicide on live stream.

You know what must be done. Embrace your destiny.

I hated this until you redeemed it with the blacks joke.

You've truly earned your loneliness.

Haha good stuff OP...good to finally see some funny original content around here

"Hanna"? Is that short for "Mentally Hanna-Capped"?

No I don't think it is.

chage yuh fugin fone yuh pissa gahbij

At least she is replying. She probably has never dealt the chipmaster.

Good job, Horses. This seems like something ol' Tom would do, but he didn't clearly.

Bitch needs to ease up on the conditioner

You're a nice eloquent boy, and if she can't see that then that's her loss sir.

Man stop meme-ing and form a genuine human connection, c'mon now. :(

I swear to God all the girls that get these fucking apps are retarded.

lol DONG!

It's almost like a sub for a long-defunct radio show populated by socially retarded, scatalogically obsessed men-children isn't the best place to try out racist jokes before using them to impress women.

Girls never turn out to be retarded, once in a long while a girl turns out to have the ability to hide being retarded for a few months. They're all still the inferior gender, which is what makes Anthony's love for boy cock understandable.

This needs to become a weekly thing.

"I won't even try so it's not like she rejected the REAL me!!"

This is a bad tactic to employ

4% eh

I have more respect for Chippa dialogue than someone who says "Like for real"

You fucked up. Chip isn't racist, his mom is racist.

good point. but the battery is low. I'm famous for that

This dope thinks a screenshot is a picture of the actual screen.

Autistic guy tries to pick up chicks with references they'll never in their lifetime be able to understand. He gets rejected. Many such cases.