Sam about his hair: "I'm maturing, that's all I'm doing"

11  2017-07-24 by throwawizzlemahnizzl

You're wilting cocksucker, get it together.


hes maturing while his hair follicles are committing suicide by the hundreds

Sahving would be mature. This jew is acting like he is somehow black with his stupid hair. Remember how long ago the afro contest was? East Side Dave was still with Ron and Fez. Let the "gimmick" go, you preposterous manchild.

sam thinks that once he loses his hair he'll lose his hip, youthful appeal

what this autistic man baby doesn't realize is that he hasn't been youthful in a decade, and he was only ever "hip" in comparison to his old geezer bosses

shave your fucking head sam, you're a pathetic balding old man, just deal with it

that boy needs therapy

"I'm maturing." -person who eats like a baby.