When did the Opester morph into an unemployed Scott Shannon?

261  2017-07-24 by TilPercyPriestBreaks


There's a Bam in my wife!

It's uh, like a mammary car!

I got some tits on my chest!

"I wanna see the Bam movie."

I wanna see the monstrous face and tits movie

What's with radio guys and plastic surgery. It's like they don't understand a fundamental part of the medium.

Billboards are an essential part of the medium. How else can you see they're nuts?

There are no billboards in Opie's future. Or past or present.

Just regular bills

You can just photoshop the billboard tho...

See their nuts? Pull their pants down or sumthin tss

At least Scott's eyes both look in the same direction.

His face is initially frightening but you have to give him that.

Ol' Easter Island head.

I wonder if the Opester got some tit-flab vacuumed out when he got the plastic surgery

Opie legit looks like he's watching Lyndsi getting fucked by Bam. This is every cuck porno in one picture and I know cuck pornos.

I have seen a lot myself, and he is not wrong.

This is every cuck porno in one picture and I know cuck pornos.

Know them from starring as the cuck?


Now that's a good one Chip!

He's not jerking off?

I am really enjoying this side by side comparison. Every single thing he ever made fun of anyone for is his new reality now. Wow, Karma believers might just have a point after all.

Everybody's morphing.

Scott looks a little like Liberace here.

I got broth on my stove!


stupid glossed over eyes

John Tesh looking mutha fucka

Is it plastic surgery? He sure looks weird. At minimum its botox injections to try and rejuvinate the hold hacks face.

Chemical peel ............also cool name for a band


He got an eye lift at the end of last summer. There was a few week stretch where he was "at the beach" not showing his face. Then when he resurfaced his eyes were different and he lost the morning show.

He had surgery to close off his tear duct permanently.

Pissy eyed faggot

How stupid is Opie to get plastic surgery when he's constantly scrutinized for his looks?

it's a, like a, bam is the father.

I got tits on my chest!

I wanna see the Jackass movie

Looks like he got a chemical treatment and some blonde hair dye. Job hunting is a motherfucker.


Idk if you guys watched that dumb sushi "pop up" show whenever opie pulled the camera back to show his face he stopped talking, he stopped doing everything, he just stared at the camera while the dumb chef kept trying to talk to him. It was weird. I think he was checking out how the plastic surgery looked or he didn't want to move face/talk because then we would see that it's all stiff and he blatantly had work done. It was very strange though, like mid sentence he'd stop talking pull the camera back and just stare for about 30 seconds and moving the camera to get different angles/views of his face

He looks more like a fat, homeless Jim Florentine if you ask me.

Wrong. Scott Shannon has talent and knows how to tell a joke.

Aryan brothers

Scott Shannon in the throes of AIDS.

When he got fired


I would say that Scott is ERock's new hero.

This bitch has more money than Jim, Sam & Ellis combined. The interest on his money is more than all 3 of their salaries... And he's STILL the biggest faggot loser.

When he morphed from "Opie the Destroyer" to "Opie the boring father of two"

Hahahahaha! Holy shit! How fucking incredibly ironic, pathetic and hilarious!

It's uh, like a mammary car!