If sobriety is the solution to alcoholism, why doesn't Jim treat his sex addiction with celibacy?

17  2017-07-24 by TinKnockinMoroccan


because jim is not sex addict by anyone's definition, except his own

Sure seems addicted

You mean the guy who hangs out with attractive porn stars, "but it's never sexual, I genuinely just wanna hang out", isn't a sex addict?

The sex "addiction" meetings aren't culty enough for him.

If tin whistles are made from tin, what do they make fog horns out of?

Usually metal

dvv dvv fawk yeah!

So heavy only the devil can lift it.



he's like a chimpanzee who can't leave his prick alone, not even when he's at work in a radio studio

Sometimes you gotta suck a dick in order to get your dick sucked

Or he could just drink a little and then actually fuck these girls.