REMINDER: Leave it alone.

17  2017-07-23 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Hahahaha Opie is a busty, jobless loser who's all alone in the world because no one likes him.


Still a multi millionaire what do you have lol

A can-do attitude and erectile dysfunction.

What do you do for a living, character?

Nothing , I whine about a radio show that died in 2014 and troll said members of that radio show on Twitter

You're a good boy.

Me: That's the bit FUCKFACE!

i bet in 3 years opie will be jobless with a failed podcast and a steel reserve addiction. maybe one or two kratoms here and there.

He's already there, except the addiction is to Shiner Ruby Redbird.

Maybe he will be the next golden buns for tacs or Jim and Sam.

He'll perform demoralizing sexual acts on the air in exchange for bottles of grapefruit beer, which will be smashed over his head by paid homeless guests.

U think the opester likes the red maeng da kratoms?

Most people here are way more unhappy than Opie, but I've always been a fan of putting other people down to build yourself up.

Carry on fellas.

Most people here at least realize we're friendless bores, opester's deranged subconscious realizes this but his active mind never will. He's doomed to be a awful narcissistic faggot forever. He had every chance to stick to his role and steer the ship, but his mental illness wouldn't allow it. I almost feel bad for him some times, but then he goes to Kevin from Connecticut and that sympathy vanishes.

And shitting on someone isn't always to build yourself up. With Opie it's a collective effort to punish the man who did his best to derail one of the few things that was genuinely funny and honest and brought a slice of joy to my life, all due to his self obsession. I don't hate Opie, I just wish he would stop being himself.

Anyone who thinks this much about a shock jock radio show that peaked either in 2001 or 2008-2010 has something wrong in their brain, you're not saying anything profound.

Nice rationalization!!

Happy people create, sad people destroy ...... But, we create hate & self-awareness for the mentally ill, we're doing God's work!

I'll cum right on your mustache, pal.