Did Jim and Sam mention anything about the latest Opie slam?

0  2017-07-23 by RBuddCumia

Edit: I'm an ass, I thought it was Monday.


They come back on the air Monday so we'll have to wait and see.

Well Chip took Opie's side. He tweeted Jim and said he does not know how to do radio.


Gregg heard Ant, Jim, Sam, Artie, Denny, Troy, & TravDog having genuine brotherly fun on Friday's show, so Greggory being his usual non-confrontational mental case went on to talk shit in the evening knowing Sam/Jim would had to wait until Monday, where they probably won't be as angry.

what did Opie say? I watched his dumb video of kicking sand on the beach but he was just trying to shift blame of Anthony not being in till he was fired.

This sub has really been over run with antH ball washers and faggots lately. Holy shit