HAHAHAHA. This is comedy!

122  2017-07-23 by unclepaul84


I love this cawksukka

do you?

Is that your pecka he's mimicking sucking in the pic?


When Opie kills himself we should really focus our hate on this fuck-eyed cunt.

Why wait

we...should kill Opie?

Yes but why wait?

Rules of Death Pool. You cannot kill your picks.

Anyone want Opie in the next trade round?

Some rules are meant to be broken

He's annoying, not an asshole... deliberately.
We spergs need to focus on the right targets and use our powers for good.

I vote Jason Ellis. I think he might actually cry on air

He would, but he's annoying even when he's butthurt (figuratively and literally). I'd rather just ignore his existence entirely.

I was full of hate because of the pic then this comment turned it into laughter. Love you

Weed? What are you 12 ?

Hahaha!! I get it! It's Weed!! Hahahahaha

Yeah, but he opened his eyes wide, too! You didn't even get that part cause you were too busy busting up about the weed part!

looks like hes mocking the guy taking the picture.

Hair colour Squid Ink #4. Totally natural for a man in his mid 60s.

Soy sauce

he doesn't wear his hair well


You've caught me doing something naughty here on the red carpet!

More like the green carpet 😂👌

More like the red EYE carpet, oh shit




Fake toking is the most embarrassing gesture, narrowly beating out licking a dogs asshole.

It's useful for entering certain neighborhoods to indicate you're there for goods rather than a mugging target.

Mary Jane (marijuana)

I'll take "Opie's guys" for $750 Alex.

Answer is, "Dessapardo jus answerin and fuckin"

The funniest thing I've seen him do is being the customs agent on How I Met Your Mother during the "Miracle" episode.

...on weed?


shut up faggot

What is he snoop dog or somethin!!!

Fawk yeah!!!

tSS Fawkin Snoop Doug or sumfin

I was gunna say that

Weed dudes!!! Cowabunga


He ruined a whole season of TPB just by appearing in a few episodes.

Fawk yeah! Smokin' some blunts and shiznit!

G'on now!


It bothers me that other comics don't shit on this guy, and they'll always say how he's a good dude. Never that he's funny though, just a good dude because they were on his stupid fucking podcast one time or something. I didn't mind the guy when I was 16 and saw "Super High Me" but I didn't know any better back then.


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Is he a good guy though? He always seems to have issues with someone on his podcast and gets cunty and passive-aggressive

I don't think so, I've noticed the cuntiness too. Really don't know why this guy is still relevant.

hes not the best comedian but hes humorous and a good host.

lol dude I sound lik u cud do wif a blunt :'D LOL

Carolla shits on him.

I like dis one. One eye goes one way, one eye goes de odder way

The only funny thing Doug does is act really bitchy on other peoples shows because he clearly hasn't smoked that day. I've noticed that any time this guy isn't stoned he's an asshole.

This is a common trait amongst stoners

He's an asshole when he's high too and the motherfucker takes baby hits, regularly getting outsmoked by guests on his shitty smoking show. Guests who don't have smoking weed as their defining characteristic.

Weed isn't cool but if like Doug you act like it is, at least be able to hold your own. Fuck that guy with a gravity bong in his stupid mouth.

this is someone who loves to smoke the mary j if you know what i mean

omg dood weed


5 card bud

"something with poke? save me a poke?"

Smokin sum fukin cheeba ma duude

Faaawk yeah, it's like one eye is smokin Indica and the other eye is smokin Sativa.

Why does this guy think smoking king weed is so hilarious. Almost everyone I know smokes weed casually & it's almost never discussed. It would be like a comedian centering his whole persona & act around toothpaste & brushing your teeth… it makes no sense just like the whole weed schtick this asshole is obsessed with.

yoooo you smoke too? I smerk bro whats your favorite bud right now sativa?

Sativa is a species of cannabis you imbecile!

ouch braaa i was just being friendly fuuucckk yoooouuuu

U guys jus dont get it lol... its a secret signal lol... ne 1 hear nows the code, hit me up ;) woops gtg its 4:20 LOL :D

He's such a visionary

The world's most uptight pothead.

So good to see him again.

Surprised he can even wield a smoking apparatus with those Billy Barty hands.

I just found out he's 55. 4 days older than my dad too. How pathetic.

What a garbage human being

This guy smoked so much weed he became half asian.

Over/Under 40 years old when he first got high?

I think I heard him say somewhere he didn't smoke weed until his mid-30's

That makes sense.

$750 a show bought that middle age man a lot of that sweet chiba.

Super High Me was actually a pretty good Netflix and chill movie when I was in high school. I've tried watching his podcast but I am surprised he doesn't realize how boring it is watching people get paranoid and self aware when smoking in a television studio. Also, Doug starts smoking and gets very, very quiet and stops engaging by about 15 mins in (almost like clockwork) every, single, episode.

I don't think he's a bad guy and I think he deserves his douchey slice of entertainment. There are way better stoner comedians like Anna Faris and Amy Sedaris.

Was it? Was it a "chill" movie?

It was just pretty funny

I love funny movies. Have you ever seen Philadelphia?

No, I'm in my early 20s, not early 40s like you..

Early 30's - wha?

Which Burger King do you work at?

The one your mom uses


That's the sound your mom makes when she's in the bathroom giving oral favors, how did you know?

So you work cleaning the bathrooms? Well, everyone needs a job I suppose.

Your mom only charges a dime to work on my sling overtime that's why I'm in there

what's funny is his eyes are as white as freshly fallen snow, nigga ain't even high

Is there anything less funny on this planet than Doug "Dude the weed man" Benson?

Wow this guy sure does like weed.

I don't smoke but I have friends who are daily smokers. You k ow how often we talk about it? Never.


"WEED LOL" in 10 years this weed humor will die out.

You guys ever get high? Haha applause

REMINDER: This faggot started smoking weed in his late 30's.

It's pretty funny. When I go to work and people ask about my weekend, I do the ol' "drinky hand" gesture. The guys in records really like it, and the gals at the front desk get a chuckle, too.

I never even really noticed Doug Benson, he was just some guy on a couple of podcasts. He was okay on How Did This Get Made.

The more I see this picture, the more I dislike him.

This man is in his 50s.

He would, but he's annoying even when he's butthurt (figuratively and literally). I'd rather just ignore his existence entirely.

I think I heard him say somewhere he didn't smoke weed until his mid-30's

That makes sense.