Tits is clearly mentally ill but what do you learned medical professionals think his actual condition is?

31  2017-07-23 by JoeCumiasCockBreath

Other than gynecomastia obviously.

He has a lot of traits that sociopaths often share but his extremely low intelligence is steering me away from that diagnosis.

Any thoughts?


It's without question borderline personality disorder

As someone with BPD--

It's more than likely this ^

Back in my day we would have just called you an insufferable asshole. You kids with your fancy terms.

Why stop now?

I'd have killed myself long ago if I wasn't a pussy, don't worry--

I'm much more aware than Gregg.

Oh fuck off. Every faggot with your bitch disease thinks they're the exception.

I'd have killed myself long ago if I wasn't a pussy

Why stop now?

I said cause I'm a pussy you stupid cunt, you even quoted me and still couldn't figure it out.

Why stop now?


we like being clever/original, so .......

Why stop now?

Completely agreed. Its some variant of borderline personality disorder. Personality disorders arent "clean" diagnoses, so many who have one have components of another and its often difficult to differentiate.

Three key things: 1.) The classic sign of this disorder is when people close to them describe their overall approach as "walking on eggshells" - You dont know when or what they will overreact to. Considering we call him greggshells, this is almost too perfect. 2.) Extreme sensitivity and insecurity, difficulty differentiating between a joke and a personal insult 3.) Intense fear of rejection: Every time Jimmy or anyone mentioned leaving, Opie mentioned himself leaving first. People with BPD typically cannot handle outright rejection, so they always give themselves some wiggle room to makes themselves feel like they are the ones leaving (Your not quitting, your fired).

Do me next.

bad case of faggot

Oh my nurse, this is the worst case I've ever seen. We're going to need...the device.

That could easily be Ant too, though.

You're thinking of alcoholism.


I remember one episode when it was just Opie and he had Joe Derosa in.

And Joe was saying how at the beginning of one of the breaks he got up to piss, and Opie got terrified thinking Joe was about to leave.

I think it was because deep down he knows hes a hack and can't handle it solo, but it also fits your theory. So you should use it for your argument. No idea where it is.

Sure he thinks he's the victim since getting fired but it's almost definitely still NPD. He thinks he's special and people not as great as him just don't understand his actions. It's why he'd down talk on Jim in O&J -- Jim just didn't understand, he wasn't great like Opie is. His victim behavior is for NPD reasons. He doesn't fear abandonment like a person with BPD would too.

It's NPD/BPD co-occurence.

BPD and NPD both share a lot of similarities and are often co-morbid. That's probably the case here. I see his victimising behavior as being done for NPD reasons (he's special and deserves to be above the law, people don't understand good radio/viral videos like he does). Ha... that's probably what he thinks about the Harry Hater and his other Youtube videos now that I think about it. They deserve to be viral but people don't realise the genius behind it.

That's what Tony Soprano's mom had. Makes sense.

hes trying to create happiness since his wife hasnt touched his penis in almost 8 years


Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings.[2][3] People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the people around them.

According to the DSM-5, individuals with NPD have most or all of the following symptoms, typically without commensurate qualities or accomplishments:[7][10]

Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc. Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions Needing constant admiration from others Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them Pompous and arrogant demeanor

Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings. People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the people around them. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of situations.

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that's ludacris

I'm still back for the first damn time

So grab a hold of your seat while I OPEN YOUR MIND

Damn Ludacris

She said she like the way I stick and make the bed rock

or how I lick and leave her twisted like a dreadlock, and it's on

fawwk yeahhh!

Yep, it's definitely that

Something that deteriorates your mind over time and gets progressively worse without treatment or medication.

Brain worms

It's a combination of things but in my opinion he has a serotonin imbalance that he inherited genetically. However, this imbalance was triggered by a traumatic event early in memory development.

Most likely in his early childhood, Gregg did something sadistic that spiked his adrenalin levels. He was likely fixated on sadistic action because it caused was the cause that brought him his first serotonin high. At some point he became aware that his behavior was not socially acceptable, so his primary method of serotonin release was met internally with guilt and shame. This created a disconnect in his mind over what makes him happy and what makes the outside world happy. In his mind, people have been against him his whole life, because they won't allow him to do the things that make him happy. It's torturous because at this point this disconnect is buried under so many years of memories and experiences that it's essentially burned in his mind.

A combination of SSRI blockers, anti-anxiety meds and aggressive CBT would be his best bet.

and when i say CBT i mean Cognitive Behavioral Therapy not cock and ball torture. Not that i dont think he deserves to get his balls kicked into putty.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy only works for stupid people

Oh yea, I forgot Gregg is a genius.

ME: that's the bit! Sniff

what do you think the traumatic event was?

i would place this event anytime between age 3-5. it could have been anything, from taking a shit somewhere he knew he shouldn't to hitting a sibling and making them cry. Whatever it was he was faced with a right or wrong decision (he at this point had a rudimentary sense of morality), consciously chose to do the wrong thing and it made him feel good. Basically his sense of what is right and what is wrong is constantly in conflict, in every cognitive decision he makes.

This is all making so much sense it really does all come back to shitting with this freak. This is all so fascinating can you do brother joe next?

I honestly don't really have enough info on Joe to profile him.

He's just a low-IQ tin knocker who should be wasting away as a regular at white trash biker bar drinking miller lights until he forgets about his shitty lack of parenting ability, but is instead given a false sense of having 'made it' by leeching off his brother and exhibits primitive signs of a personality disordered marked by a distinct lack of self-awareness.

But even his mental illness is too boring and uninteresting to be notable. Much like his musical ability.

If it's worth anything I'm pretty sure Jim is actually a pedophile.

Eh it's entirely possible. There's probably a lot of potential sociopath murders around too. As long as they don't act out on it then I don't give a fuck.

That's the libertarian perspective at least.

In all fairness to Anthony though, there is nothing sexually dysfunctional about finding a girl who has had 3+ years of pubescent development attractive. Girls usually hit puberty between 10 and 14. He's just vocal about it so its more of an issue of civility than mental illness. Not to say there isn't plenty going on with Ant but he's is probably the most mentally well adjusted of the three. Make of that what you will.

So with Jimmy I'm guessing you'd say Uncle Paul is his way of venting his lust for young anus? Hiding in plain sight. And that he hasn't fathered a child and his " kinks " are also indicators?

Or is it just his stupid little face?

Jimmy had some early sexual experiences with kids in his neighbourhood according to his comedy bits, so it's not surprising if some of that stuck around until his older years. He seems smart enough to know the difference between a mental hangup and something you turn into reality though - which is more leeway than society gives most people with those 'mental conditions'.

It's worth everything if you could prove it.

I love Jim but watching him on trial for kiddie porn as the prosecution shows the court hundreds of hours of Uncle Paul is just too funny.

Borderlines have an extreme sensitivity to even a small amount of criticism and are particularly prone to fear of rejection in any form. They take every slight against them(real or imagined) as a personal affront and react with disproportionate hostility and anger. They generally do not ever consider that something is wrong with them. Their relationships with other people are fraught with difficulty. They are also extremely prone to alcoholism and substance abuse and are very impulsive.

This is what my psychologist explained to me about the borderlines he treats. He fits some but certainly not all.

I'll see your NPD and raise you a delusion.

In my professional opinion, I would probably place this as Axis I (perhaps bi polar) rather than Axis II and assign him a GAF of 65. Consideration must be given the degree of irritability.


Grandiose delusions (GD), delusions of grandeur, expansive delusions[1] or megalomania[1][2] are a subtype of delusion that occur in patients suffering from a wide range of psychiatric diseases, including two-thirds of patients in manic state of bipolar disorder, half of those with schizophrenia, patients with the grandiose subtype of delusional disorder, and a substantial portion of those with substance abuse disorders.[3][4] GDs are characterized by fantastical beliefs that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful. The delusions are generally fantastic and typically have a religious, science fictional, or supernatural theme. There is a relative lack of research into GD, in contrast to persecutory delusions and auditory hallucinations. About 10% of healthy people experience grandiose thoughts but do not meet full criteria for a diagnosis of GD.[4]

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandiose_delusions

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A friend of mine had a brother who killed himself because of Manic Schizophrenia and he had Grandiose Delusions to the point that every time we played guitar together he would rant about writing music with Eric Clapton and how he helped Brian May write the guitar piece to 'Radio Ga Ga'. He was wacked, but a good person at heart. Much better person than Opie.

aka "X person got too big for our show/Patrice and I would laugh on the phone for hours/Leave it alone."

Borderline Dissociative Bi-Polar disorder with Narcissistic Oedipal undertones.

Entitled faggot syndrome

Holy fuck ... that's would be awesome if the net effect of Opie's life was to added another disorder to the DSM!

Narcissistic Personality Disorder coupled with below average intelligence.

he needs a histerectomy to go with the mastectomy?


Deeply Closeted Faggot Disorder

Undiagnosed malignant Turner's Syndrome

Get Lydia fat tits on the phone!

His mother had serious mental problems, depression, OCD, Schizophrenia I bet, possibly multiple personality disorder, paranoia and god knows what else.

Opie's a pathological liar. Has literally been lying since he was a child. With his moms laundry list of mental disorders there is a good chance he has inherited some or all of them. He's definitely paranoid and schizophrenic. Also seems to have major league OCD. The way he lets himself go in the winter could be that shit they call SAD, seasonal affective disorder, but which is basically just depression with a fancy title.

Opie is well on his way to a mental institution in the next few years if he doesn't get professional help.

ME: I have irritable depression, you DOPES! Because of Anthony treating me bad. sniff

In my professional opinion he has far too many haters brotherman. Peckahs

He's just a complete cunt.

Paging u/DrVanostrom

BPD and NPD co-occurrence.

Breasts maketh da man.

He has a serious case of gynecomastia

Gay faggot disease aka Rollerbladers Syndrome

As far as his cognitive thinking; someone pointed out on here once his place within Nietzsche's master/slave complex, where Opie values intention over outcome and that nothing he does can be construed as bad or wrong since he's convinced his intentions are always good, or that he's doing something shitty "for the bit". The aspects of which fits in nicely with BPD/NPD.

that's ludacris

I'm still back for the first damn time

So grab a hold of your seat while I OPEN YOUR MIND

aka "X person got too big for our show/Patrice and I would laugh on the phone for hours/Leave it alone."

If it's worth anything I'm pretty sure Jim is actually a pedophile.

Oh yea, I forgot Gregg is a genius.