I listened to the Sam and Jim w/Anthony audio last night...

0  2017-07-23 by LeBaronpencil

And it seemed great, they appeared to be having a good time, riffing and whatnot. Sam was kept to a minimum, Jim and Anthoty were hilarious, Denny was an unexpected gem. And all the little jabs seemed genuine and fun. But when I watched the video of it today with my wife, it seemed weird. When Artie came on it took a turn, and I cant say for sure, but it was like he was sucking the life out of the room. I normally like Artie, but this kind of sucked. And only when he came in. It was like he thought he was doing them a favor instead of reading the room and understanding what was happening. Maybe im just high and drunk, and misconstruing the video, perhaps I'm seeing Artie as a detrimental addition, be it to Anthony or Jimmy. Surely he and Anthony couldn't carry on a show together for any long period of time. Or, more likely than not, im blackout drunk and everyting, and every one of you don't matter, and your opinions are moot and irrelevant. We shall see in the cold light of the morning. Peckers.


tHiS iZ A wEL wRITtEn iNsIghTFOoL POhST..

I'm not sure that it is, Edgar...

anD tHiz wUz An oHh sOw iNsighTFOol , aNd vEry oUrrriGINal PosT... U sHiT suCkInG mOngOlOid.

NoT aPhRilLl fAlLz

I hOpE yOu waNt, aNd hAve A bAbby thAt dIEs.

I hope I have that baby with your wife or girlfriend. So you feel the pain of getting cheated on and the pain of seeing her upset about her dead baby.

What the fuck did that broken English jibber jabber you just typed mean? You sound like some sort of Serbian/Roma witch doctor.

"I hope she have the dead baby with U gay boyfriend so YOUfeel the pain of get cheat on! And YOU feel pain dead baby!!!!"


What do you want? A fucking medal?

I said that to someone once, then they said yes, they would, and I felt silly

John Voight agrees.

It just so happens I bought an 83 Chrysler LeBaron convertible that was previously owned by John Voight

Just wait until we get these teeth marks lined up....then we will see who looks like the fool, MISTER!

Artie is beginning to sound like Sandy Kane

Artie hasn't been funny in a long time. He has a few anecdotes that he mumbles through before wheezing out a forced laugh and trailing off into nothingness. He's burnt out.

I agree, it was very strained on his part. And he seems like he is really pushing and plugging shows that should be sold out and an afterthought. Like he really needs the money. He just tells the same stories over and over and expects people to pretend they have never heard them. I think that reunion with Anthony, Jimmy and Sam would have been much better with Denny staying in taking cheap shots at Tits. Artie really just makes me sad and angry, and im not completey sure why.

Maybe because he was legitimately hilarious for a sold 8 years on Stern and now he is a repetitive, doddering, drug casualty.

Sorry I didn't mean to distract you. Please continue to share your feelings about J and S. Go ahead

Fuck off, dork.


Sorry. Screw off, dork.

That's better.

You're transferring the resentment you have toward your wife onto Artie Lange

Im listening, go on.

You're angry that she is enabling your latent homosexuality, you know that if she wasn't there you would be forced to confront it.

Artie is also more feminine

How many gems does Denny have to deliver before you bow down and beg for his yellowy goodness?

I listened to the Sam and Jim w/Anthony audio last night...

hope you cleaned-up afterwards!

Artie was fucked up and they had to carry him - and he's a heavy boy.

That's better.