Why do Opie & Anthony even want to work any more?

3  2017-07-23 by OochyWally

They've made millions. They're in their mid-fifties. I assume they saved their money. Hate to be a regular Joe about it, but I'd just retire, hang out at the beach, travel the country and overseas and maybe do a weekly podcast just as a fun excuse to catch up with old friends. I just don't understand why Opie would be doing the have mic, will travel thing begging for love and money from terrestrial, knowing he'll have to prove himself every 3 months in a young man's game, appealing to a target demo he no longer belongs to. Fuck all that humiliation and aggravation. Just retire.


You get addicted to the money

they always complained about how boring it got getting paid for not working in 2002 to 2004. they are egotistical. i don't know how much those faggots spent or earned, as i'm not privy to their receipt counter, but you faggots tell me they made millions.

do you think a guy like ant'nee who maxed out credit cards as a youngin would have responsibly stored and frugally spent his corporate backyard dinosaur decoration paychecks??

All of these millionaire radio hosts are doing podcasts with eight listeners. For instance, Tom Leykis has a full time staff of four people for his podcast.

These guys are narcissists; they won't just work for free, they'll PAY to get their voice heard.

This is why I think that Ant's smartest option is to leverage his platform for these guys. Ant could charge Opie a thousand dollars per hour to use his studio, and I'll bet Opie would pony up the cash. And there's dozens of guys like Opie out there.

Opie is still struggling to prove that he can earn a living. He can't as a broadcaster.

If only he put those sacks of fat to good use.

Fuck all that humiliation and aggravation.

I hope Opie suffers an endless amount of both of those things.

Both live well outside their means

easy gig

Which shithole eastern bloc country are you in?

Bosnia - why?

Just trying to make friends.

k babe kisses

Ant does nothing but drink, gamble, and his show. How long do you think he'd last if he retired? My gramps retired and died within a few years because he spent the whole time smoking two packs and downing a few pints of vodka a day.