Opie has no friends and is going to die irrelevant and alone

123  2017-07-22 by chrb16

How does if feel, tits? How does it feel?


How could Opie justify buying Sherrod for $750? If he wanted a black comic, then there's about a thousand of them in NYC & they're hilarious. They also would've worked for $150 a show. Now I wonder how much he pays Vic Foxworthy?

He still has the Philly Crew

He will end up spending thousands of dollars to build a podcast studio and broadcast to zero people just to save face.

My final takeaway form the Opie saga is that although he has a lot of money and lives well, he's too stupid to be happy. I can take comfort in that.

I hope he dies during a cuckolding session. I hope he uses a belt to choke himself while jerking off as a black man fucks his wife, and his belt fastens too tight for him to undue and he dies watching his wife emasculate him.

It's too good for the chippah


Not for long

I wanted to see exotic /r/opieandanthony ... the crown jewel of reddit. I wanted to meet interesting and stimulating people of a retarded culture... and mush peckas with them.