You can partially blame the corporate\HR culture for ruining O&A

1  2017-07-11 by Ant_Sucks

I hate half the people I work with because they're all on different contracts and everytime they get told to do something that's not part of their contract they go to HR. Now it turns out I'm not getting what I'm supposed to and I'm finding myself in HR like a little bitch, filling out a form like a little tattle tale cunt.

I can't just hash it out with my boss because he's an idiot, and I can't call him an idiot because then he'll go to HR about me.

We all just hate each other and go behind each other's back constantly to make sure we're not taken advantage of. We'd probably get along otherwise, but it's the system that's turned us into petty little douches who can't talk to each other.

That's why I come on here and say hurtful things.